The Soothe Sayer
Linda Schurman, Astrologer - Editor and Publisher
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
- Hamlet by Shakespeare
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Phone: (856) 874-1651
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“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth… For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it.”
– Patrick Henry

Meet Linda
Linda Schurman
Editor & Publisher
Linda Schurman has been a professional astrologer for over 4 decades, serving a clientele that includes corporations, financial service companies and private individuals. Linda is the author of “What Next – A Survival Guide to the 21st Century” (2007), “Fast Forward: Surviving the Race to the Future” (2012), and is the co-author with data analyst, Richard Spitzer of “Our Choice: Extinction or Evolution” (2017).
On her printed and online newsletters (, she predicted the attack on America in 2001, the real estate and stock market crash of 2007-2008, the environmental disaster (BP oil eruption) in the Gulf in 2010, the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011, and a major breakthrough in physics in 2012 the substantiation of the Higgs/Boson or “God Particle”). She also predicted the “revolutionary times” we are now experiencing which will lead to the crises and breakthroughs we will soon see in the 2020s.
Linda has had articles posted on the Huffington Post, has appeared on Coast to Coast regularly since 2010, and has been interviewed on numerous internet radio shows. She is the mother of five, grandmother to five, and a great grandmother. She lives with her husband, Richard, in Ithaca, New York.
What Is Astrology?
ASTROLOGY is a study of astronomical events in relation to cycles and themes that arise in history and express themselves in our lives, both for us as individuals and with respect to the fates of nations and world events. It began around 5,000 years ago with the construction of calendars that tracked the phases of the moon and the movement of the sun through the year and its angular changes during the equinoxes and solstices. It was astrologers who created calendars and the notion of timekeeping, which early on, was commonly used for the planting and harvesting of crops. All the ancient civilizations practiced astrology from the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, through the Greeks and the Romans, the empires of India and Arabia and included the civilizations of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec in Central and South America. Astronomy and Astrology were united as one subject in those societies. Astronomical observations and language included constellations named after their gods and goddesses, whose mythological behaviors bore a stark resemblance to human psychology.
KINGS and emperors in ancient times used astrologers to time the launching of weddings, wars, and decisions of state. Individual charts were constructed for the births of people in the ruling class and used to advise them. If the astrologer was wrong, off went his head! When he was consistently right, he became necessary to those rulers in order to time all the major events. For most people in these eras, life was often brutal and short. Many ancient religions in those centuries contained theologies that were very superstitious and “fatalistic” since people who lived in the ages before the dawn of science had less control over their lives.
IN MODERN TIMES, astrology has frequently been misunderstood and seemingly not aligned with our scientific, highly technological world which has enabled us to exercise more control over our lives than the ancients ever envisioned. Astrologers today see our body of knowledge as an ongoing study and its purpose is to expand our understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lay before us, so that we can make better informed choices in directing our futures. We look at planetary pictures from the past to determine the similarities of events as they reappear in our present and our future. We see that history does not exactly repeat itself, but it rhymes! Today, our concerns are discerning the cycles in politics, economics, scientific breakthroughs, climate changes, and the evolution of mass human psychological and spiritual development. We fully recognize that we all actually know very little about the world we inhabit, reality, and who and what we really may be. We see life as an unfolding experience that is truly magnificently coordinated with the universe itself!
GETTING A PERSONAL READING with an astrologer should present you with some truly relevant insights as to your personal gifts, challenges, and patterns that you will experience throughout your life. It should light the way to the issues and themes that lie ahead – the areas of your life that will be emphasized both positively and negatively and clear the way to make your very own choices about how you wish to conduct yourself as the sacred gift of your life unfolds.