
Transits of Mars — The “God of War”

(Mars in Taurus June 9 – July 20; Mars in Gemini July 21 through September 4.)

These days, we cannot avoid all the headlines reporting on the multiple wars between nations and civil conflicts within nations, whose ethnic, religious, and economic conflicts reveal an inability to resolve differences and share resources. If we carefully survey history, it becomes obvious that wars are all about economics – about mineral resources, farmland, water, and control of infrastructure and industries. Ethnic, religious, and racial conflicts are used to “fuel the flames”.

The Civil War in America was about the horror of the commodification of African slaves to create the world’s greatest source of cotton and tobacco, sold internationally, and making Southern white plantation owners very rich without worrying about paying workers. It was Capitalism at its very worst and an effective dehumanization of a whole class of people. Our nation was torn apart in this, our bloodiest war, and the racism and economic disparity remain with us to this day.

Today’s Wars:

America’s internal wars consist of White supremacists, oligarchs, and transnational capitalists who have, once again, crafted a nation of economic disparity and inequality. Many are suspected and known to be financing the Trump (a Gemini) campaign to both save himself from his illegal activities and hold onto his previously crafted tax breaks for the super-rich including financial and legal support for fossil fuel corporations.

Ironically, recent generations of disillusioned young people, who can’t afford to buy a house or rent an apartment because of inflation, are modern victims of the oligarch class of which Trump is a member. We cannot afford to exchange our democracy for a dictatorship as a simplistic solution to complex worldwide economic shifts, abuses of economic systems, collapsing climates, worldwide immigration, and submission to the “blame game.” Unfortunately, history has shown us that past revolutions have failed just for this reason and replaced their previous governments with dictatorships.

Battles in the Supreme Court:

The current right-leaning Court has made decisions that have reversed decades of previous decisions, moving even more sharply to the right. After reversing Roe, they recently ruled in a case from Idaho, that a woman could have an abortion, but only to save her life. In addition, They made it harder to charge the Capitol riot defendants with obstruction (although most of them are in jail for other crimes).

Most importantly, in the case Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, they seriously weakened federal regulators’ authority, reversing the 1984 decision Chevron v National Resources Defense Council (1984), now turning over regulatory decisions to the courts. If your water is seriously polluted, your land is poisoned, or other violations of law are discovered, nothing can be done by regulators about these violations until they go through the court system that, as we all know, could take multiple years to resolve. Corporations who violate the laws will love this decision. In another decision, the Court states that cities can ban homeless people from sleeping outside in cities.

The biggest and most consequential decision: Presidential Immunity

On Jul 1, in a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts, but not immune from prosecution for personal acts. Cases for prosecution for personal acts will thereby go to lower courts to determine official vs. unofficial acts. As far as Trump’s affairs are concerned, there is no way any currently pending cases will be tried before the election.

Some would say, this is an “imperial court” constructing an “imperial presidency.” Others would point out that separation of powers – checks and balances – is essential for an effective democracy. The Court’s recent decisions give a lot more power to the courts, circumventing the powers of government agencies and the legislature.

On this day, the astrological configurations behind this are Mars, Uranus, and today’s transiting Moon in the highly “conservative” sign of Taurus. Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Cancer support this posture. Neptune (visionary ideals v confused indifference and escapism) in the last degree of Pisces calls forth a profound need for “the people” to wake up and strongly consider who they would elect as president and his probable use or abuse of this newly expanded power. Stay tuned!

Democrats v Republicans and the Battle for the Presidency:

The recent presidential debate highlighted a blatantly lying Donald Trump, and a bumbling and incoherent Joe Biden substantiating what many Americans have been saying in interviews; that they wish for none of the above. The planetary pictures are so conflicting, that major problems and crises have and will erupt with both candidates. Astrologers have often been wrong in trying to predict election outcomes. I did predict that Trump would win in 2016 and Biden would win in 2020. I do not feel comfortable with taking a shot at this one.

THE ISRAEL- HAMAS WAR is all about who controls strategic territories and land rights. In addition, ancient tribal and religious/ethnic hatreds going back many hundreds of years dominate the discourse. Iran, an enemy of Israel is involved. Israel and Palestine must make a deal to rebuild and forge economic alliances along with a two-state solution. The UN has already “ordered” the fighting to stop but has no power to enforce this option. I think that many wealthy Middle Eastern nations are willing to engage with both nations in this effort. Saudi Arabia has already met with the US to help formulate a two-state solution and economic support for both Israel and Palestine. I believe that, eventually, this could happen. Many think that current Prime Minister Netanyahu supports war with no end in sight to hold onto his position. Their courts have ruled that his wing conservative religious wing now has to fight in this war. Between now and September, there will likely be opposition to him within his government.

RUSSIA’S INVASION of UKRAINE has developed into the possible beginning of a world war. In the June 12, 2024 issue of The Atlantic, an article was published by Anastasia Edel, entitled “Why Russia is Happy at War.” She reports: “A centuries-long tradition of authoritarian rule and disregard for individual rights underpins Vladimir Putin’s imperial Project.” She goes on to highlight Russian history for centuries of severe autocratic rule. “A rigid autocracy since the nation emerged from Mongol rule in the 15th Century, including seven decades of totalitarianism in the 20th Century, Russia’s government has never had any effective separation of powers. For most of that history, the state has allowed few, if any, avenues for genuine political debate or dissent, and the judicial system has acted as a rubber stamp for its rulers’ orders.”

She goes on to report: “This subjugation to the collective embodied by the Russian state is the reason Putin could mobilize society for war so easily . . . .More than two years into the carnage, public support for the war in Ukraine is polling at an average of 75 percent.” She also points out that the Russian economy, despite sanctions, is growing and thriving (GDP grew in 2023 by 3.6%). She continues: “Dubious schemes that circumvent economic sanctions have also enabled Russia to source strategic technologies and components, including those it needs for its weaponry, and this in turn has created lucrative business opportunities for Russian entrepreneurs.” She describes how Russian autocracies historically thrived during the war and how Putin’s power will continue to dominate the nation. However, she suggests: “But if Ukraine can begin to prevail, Putin’s narrative as the grand defender of Russia will no longer hold, and regime change will become possible once more.”

World War III?

America’s security agencies are deeply concerned about our power struggles with China over Taiwan. They are the second largest economy in the world and have an enormous military presence in the Pacific and, most importantly, in the South China Sea, which they see as “theirs.” History has taught us that war often develops with the rise of nations challenging their current superpowers. The Chinese have the largest spy network in the world, working closely with Russia, a close second. Summoning scary memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis of the 1960s Russia has recently sent nuclear submarines to Cuba. Similarities to the rise of NAZI Germany, Italy, and Japan in World War II should teach us that the only possible solution/prevention to this terrible trend is the military might, power, and strength of NATO and the United States.

The Economy:

Since the “crash” of 2008 led by the crooked sub-prime bank lending institutions in real estate, huge monopoly property-holding corporations have bought up most of the residential real estate market, costing Americans more than most of them can pay for either rent or the purchase of a home. The Feds, raising interest rates, further prevents young people from getting a mortgage or a car loan, even when they make a decent salary. Corporations, post-pandemic, continue to raise product prices. This is creating a tsunami of discontent!

Many have been concerned about America’s movement toward monopolies controlling the economy, funneling the money into the accounts of the top brass (CEOs), and massive corporate buy-backs of their stock to keep the price high, and the above example highlights this growing trend. Media industries (radio and television) are becoming monopolies. To secure its dominance, Apple Computer recently initiated a share buyback of $110 billion on May 2, 2024. The DOJ is now suing Live Nation (Ticketmaster) for monopoly practices hiking ticket prices to concerts beyond the stratosphere! Banks are merging into bigger banks. Most of the food industry now is owned and controlled by 3 corporations. Oil industry mergers currently in process are Exxon, Hess, and Chevron. Boeing’s shareholders, a monopoly airplane manufacturer, recently approved a $33 million pay package for CEO Dave Calhoun, despite his overseeing huge safety problems. It is the biggest pay package ever given to a Boeing CEO. Far too many Americans are unaware of this trend. Tesla’s board approved a multi-billion dollar pay package for Elon Musk. Most consequential, they are getting away with paying little or no taxes, using offshoring and other means of avoiding local and national taxation. All this is a reminder of the so-called “Gilded Age” of the late 1800s and early 1900s, the dominance of oil and railroad monopolies, and Pres. Theodore Roosevelt’s “trust-busting” efforts. History rhymes again!

Fueling inflation, we now have one of the most costly real estate markets in modern history but, ironically, we are experiencing a plunge in the value of commercial office real estate, due mostly to people’s increasing ability to work from home. As a direct result of this, the Philadelphia-based Republic Bank ( with large real estate loans) was shut down by the FDIC to protect $6 billion in assets and $4 billion in customer deposits. Assets were handed over to Fulton Bank (branches located in NJ, PA, and NY) and will reopen as Fulton Bank. Insured by the FDIC, the cost will be about $667 Million. My solution: renovate these vacant office buildings into affordable apartments and condos. I think the Feds will keep interest rates where they are for now, fearing the consequences of raising rates – a clumsy and costly tool to reduce inflation. However, Jupiter in Gemini suggests a cooling of the economy and a small decline in inflation, so they may consider lowering interest rates.

The Dollar:

Most importantly, we cannot forget that our enormous federal debt and US citizens’ credit card debt held at higher interest rates are both navigating a dangerous passage heading toward defaults. Trump’s previous tax breaks for mega-corporations, along with public infrastructure and billions going into Ukraine and Israeli wars, funded by the government, have created the biggest government deficits in history. We are sadly aware of the massive inflation of the dollar recently, but it has been going on for decades. This is why gold and silver, as a hedge against dollar inflation, have recently climbed toward record highs.

Jupiter in Gemini will fuel investment in “communication and information” including everything related to Artificial Intelligence. It may also help airline industries which are currently suffering from inferior and dangerous construction and problems with employees. However, with Mars and Jupiter squaring Saturn the week of Aug. 12, I would suggest pulling back and being financially cautious. This is also an aspect of “accident proneness” and bad weather conditions, so be cautious while traveling.

Mercury will go retrograde Aug. 4 through Aug. 28, creating an air of uncertainty around financial markets, the coming election, and the weather. Do not sign a contract or start a new venture at this time.


Climate emergencies will continue to gain momentum between now and the end of the year. Jupiter in Gemini was last in this sign in 2012-2013 when Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. I would put a hold on travel and prepare to protect your resources and properties during this period.

Coming up in 2025:

The soon-to-arrive transit of Uranus in Gemini was present during the American Revolution, the Civil War, and WW II. The current transit of Mars in Gemini – July 21 through September 4, is a “preview of coming attractions”, along with Jupiter in Gemini (May 26, 2024, through June 9, 2025) that was discussed in my last newsletter. All these influences will likely fan the disparities, inequalities, and differing points of view throughout America. Political rallies and conventions will fuel these passions.


It has recently been revealed that American guns are fueling violence in Mexico; that the USA produces guns sold all over the world, increasing profits of crime cartels, and that militarizing our borders could further enrich these cartels. We are already painfully aware of mass shootings in the US that are still accessible to criminals and the mentally ill, despite congressional attempts to regulate this industry. A great irony is the recent trial and conviction of Hunter Biden for buying a gun while addicted to drugs. Pres. Biden has worked to craft gun laws, especially restricting access to drug addicts and people with a history of mental illness. In contrast with Trump, Biden has stated he will not interfere with the legal system or pardon his son.

Gemini, the “Twins” pits brother against brother, sister against sister, party against party, religion against religion. The “key” to a more constructive Gemini presence is a system of education and communication that is clear, concise, and clearing the pathway to the truth. Recent decades have presented us with a mass media complex filled, with lies, confusion, and weapons of mass distraction. Public education has nearly eliminated courses in civics and political science so recent generations do not even know what a democracy entails. Educators all over our nation are devastated over the basic skills inferiority of our children, demonstrated by America’s youth being near the bottom in standardized tests. Many of these failing and depressed youngsters have unfettered access to guns.

The Olympics:

Something positive is on the horizon with favorable stars on July 26, the day the Olympic games in Paris begin. The Moon, Mars, and Pluto make harmonious aspects with one another and the Sun makes favorable aspects with the Moon and Mars. The Sun is opposite Pluto on the 22nd, pointing to a possible terrorist plot that will likely be uncovered and stopped.

Science and Technology:

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”


Catastrophic Climate Change:

In the January 2024 Issue of Scientific American, an article was published entitled “Does the Anthropocene Matter?” by Princeton University’s Naomi Oreskes. The heading states: “The definition of this new geological epoch conveys the all-encompassing nature of the challenge we face.”

She delves into the history of defining this new age of human influence on the planet leading to the term “Anthropocene” and why it matters – for two reasons. “The first is that it is a way for scientists to declare – as loudly as they can while still behaving as scientists – that the shifts going on around us are no small issue. Anthropogenic climate change is far more than an ‘inconvenient truth’; it is a profound alteration in the conditions of life on Earth. In myriad ways — large and small – the past may no longer be a reliable guide to the future… When taken seriously, that means we must rethink core assumptions about how we build our economies and our infrastructures, how we travel, how we plan for global pandemics, and even how we eat.”

She closes the article with the warning: “No doubt some people will become climate refugees, either voluntarily or under duress. But the definition of the Anthropocene reminds us that the challenge we face is geological in scale. It affects the whole earth. It reminds us that as this new epoch unfolds, there won’t be anywhere to hide.”

I would recommend reading this article and seriously pondering its message.

Nuclear Fusion:

Like all of you who read my newsletters over the past six years, I believe that one of the most important breakthroughs of our age in combating climate change disasters and providing us with endless clean energy is Nuclear Fusion. Previously, this technology has been used to make the hydrogen bomb, but thankfully not yet been used in wartime. I have published and quoted multiple articles about the amazing progress that is being made, in solving problems, in multiple sites in the US and around the world.

The best article I have ever seen on this subject was posted on June 27, 2024, on ENR – Engineering News-Record entitled “Energy in Transition” Nuclear Fusion Pushes to Reach Commercial Power Plant Stage.” by Mary B. Powers, Peter Reina, Debra K. Rubin, and David Godkin. The article reports: “Nuclear fusion is a power source that can generate nearly 4 million times more energy than fossil fuel combustion and four times more per kilogram of fuel than an existing fission nuclear power plant, has no carbon emissions or major risk of nuclear waste or meltdown and offers a more secure fuel supply, says Jane Nakano, senior fellow in the Energy Security and Climate Change Program at think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies.”

What so many people do not realize is the number of fusion companies and sites that have been developing this technology and the stunning progress that is being made. This article lists these plants along with the capital currently invested in them. We already know about ITER, the oldest chamber backed by 35 European nations, which is located in France and has suffered setbacks. This article lists:

Commonwealth Fusion Systems, Cambridge, MA – 2 billion, TAE Technologies, Foothill Ranch, Ca. $1.3 billion, Helion, Everett, WA – $60-7.6 million, First Light, Yarnton, England, UK, $588.3 million, General Fusion, Richmond, B.C. Canada – $417.9 million, Neo Fusion, Hefei, China, $216.6 million, Zap Energy, Inc., Seattle, WA – $196.6 million, Energy Singularity, Shanghai, China -= $121.1 million, and Focused Energy, Darmstadt, Germany – $97 million.

I would seriously recommend you read the whole article, which is the most comprehensive coverage of fusion progress I have ever read…

Technologies Beyond the Horizon:

I am continually startled at how few people know or care about this, which, in my mind, truly reflects the new age of Aquarius and its myth — the Promethean “gift of fire” handed to humans — with the disapproval of the Gods who believed we “could not handle this” and severely punished Prometheus.

Humans have used the gift of fire for thousands of years to preserve life, and now our heated-up planet suggests burning fossil fuels could lead us to extinction. This would lead us to a larger question: Can we handle AI, space travel, bio-genetic engineering, and nuclear weapons among the many inventions being currently developed? Was Mary Shelly correct in assuming (in the 18th Century), that rapid human development of the sciences and technologies will create “the Frankenstein Monster”?

Final Thoughts:

“In order to change an existing paradigm, you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.

Buckminster Fuller

The ancient myths surrounding the planets and constellations tell us stories about ourselves – the pitfalls and dangers, and the grand victories and achievements. As our societies and sciences evolve, we in the astrological community are constantly reinterpreting these myths as discoveries are made. What is alarming is that so many people are still caught in the ancient webs of fear, hate, greed, and a willingness to resort to mindless killing. It would seem our discoveries and inventions challenge us to create a proper, peaceful, and greater human society – an evolutionary leap in consciousness.

Beyond a new model of computing (AI), a new electric vehicle, a new telescope viewing the universe, and a new rocket to the Moon – there needs to be a new human – governed by intelligence, compassion, empathy, and a willingness to rid ourselves of personal narrow, selfish, and even violent motivations in exchange for a vision of a greater good – healing of old wounds. Out of all this could emerge a new human with a wondrous presence — making the old one forever obsolete.

The time has come.


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