April 2022

Aries and its Fiery ruler Mars – The Ancient God of War – Charging across the Sky.

The World in Chaos Continues:

The geopolitical, economic and environmental upheavals continue this month as Russia’s dictator, Vladimir Putin continues his war on Ukraine, effectively getting his revenge on the West for the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. With the capture of the largest nuclear energy plant in Europe and the toxic failed nuclear plant in Chernobyl, the looming dangers become more looming. With serious afflictions to Neptune, his astrological chart shows a dangerous tendency to be out of touch with reality.

Led by the actions of the US and NATO nations, the Russian economy has, basically, crashed. The SWIFT banking system has been shut down, doors have been shut to international businesses, the ruble is worthless, and access to the global economy has been closed to the oligarchs. Putin has stashed gold bars, but there is no way to exchange them for dollars, which is still the global currency. The use of cryptocurrencies by Putin and his oligarchs is now “under surveillance”.

Russia’s historic friend, China, is very limited in terms of helping them and, basically, wants to stay out of this war. In reality, there is very little infrastructure in place geographically for Russia to ship them oil as there are no pipelines or tankers at sea. China’s currency, the yuan, is good only in China and is not used internationally. They are in an economic slowdown, are seriously in debt, and are experiencing a serious new surge in COVD, as their vaccines are far less effective than those in the West. It is in their economic interests to stay connected to the West. They are not interested in being roped into a global nuclear war.

American efforts to renew the agreement with Iran have, so far, failed. Iran continues to be an enemy of the US and a “friend” of Russia. The Saudis are silent. The inflation in energy that started before this war, continues. Europe is dependent on Russia for about 40% of its oil. However, the NATO nations are hanging together as they watch Russia slaughter Ukraine’s population and blow up their buildings and bridges. If Russia decides to use chemical weapons as they did with Assad in Syria, this will be the “last straw” and will likely bring NATO into a direct conflict with Russia. Pres. Biden’s recent speech has created some controversy by suggesting Putin should be removed from power.

Russia will conquer the land, but will not conquer Ukraine’s people. As they move in with their military might to take over all the major cities, they will have a country continuing to fight them at every turn, using up their resources (which are now very limited) and adhering them to a region that diminishes their equipment, money, and soldiers. The Ukrainians are far braver and more determined than Russia expected and will be receiving more weapons from the NATO alliance nations. Their most recent astrological chart – Dec. 1, 1991, 6:00 PM. Kiev, Ukraine, 30E31, 50N26 – would present some hopeful support starting in May,as Jupiter goes into Aries. In short, Russia will be stuck in a terrible quagmire. Many of the Russian people are against this war already and the hardships before them will make this worse. None of this will matter to the deranged Vladimir Putin.

The Supreme Court:

For the past two years, I have forecast that the Supreme Court would be very prominent and would determine much of the future of this nation. Judge Jackson has been approved, in spite of an unconscionable grilling by the Republicans. Justice Clarence Thomas, who has just been discharged from the hospital, is embroiled in a scandal in which his wife encouraged overthrowing the 2020 election. Chief Justice Roberts will increase in importance as a sane, ethical, and admirable head of the Court. More upheaval lies ahead.

The Economy:

Pres. Biden’s astrological chart shows staying power and support from the EU and NATO, since transiting Pluto (power) is sextile or in favor with his Sun and Venus in his House associated with groups and alliances. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in harmony with his Sun and Venus through May. However, his biggest problem is the US economy. Supply chain blockages that were plaguing us before this war started are still in effect and price gouging is a reality. Interest rates are rising. He has Saturn transiting his second House (money) that is square (in conflict with) his Mercury, Sun, and Venus through Feb. 2023The coming Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 16this a serious “hit” to his chart. In short – inflation will continue to plague global economies.

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces obviously spells the greatest inflation is in oil and gas, but it also shows increased profits for oil and gas companies. Pres. Biden has promised Europe US shipments of liquified natural gas. The US is the biggest supplier of oil and natural gas in the world and is far more self-sufficient than it was in the last oil crisis with Iran in the 1970s. However, the world is still controlled by malignant military dictators – the worst of the worst – in many nations including Central and South America, Myanmar, and the Middle East, threatening democracies, and making us all subject to economic hardships that we cannot control. At this point in time, without fossil fuels, our economies would simply collapse.

The fact is, the whole world is paying a terrible price for its continued addiction to fossil fuels as many climates around the globe are moving quickly toward catastrophe. We cannot afford to underestimate escalating food prices as climate change is effecting crops in our farming areas.

There is a seriously troubling transit of Mars going into Gemini Aug. 20, going retrograde Oct. 30, going direct Jan. 12 in a destabilizing to Mercury (direct) and staying in the sign until March 24th, 2023. These Gemini degrees have, historically been associated with the US being forced into domestic violence and/or military conflicts.

Transiting Saturn in Aquarius will be trine (supporting) the US Mars, Saturn and Progressed Mars, holding us together. Financial markets, although fluctuating, will sustain their growth until the May 16 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.

Weather and Natural Events:

The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction between April 1stand April 12thopposite the US Neptune, will likely present serious floods in the major waterways here in the US. Mars in Pisces April 15ththrough May 25th will continue this trend, suggesting storms in the Eastern US, especially along coastal areas.

Last month, there was a 7.2 earthquake in Japan, near Fukushima, evoking of the memories of this catastrophe in 2011. Between April 15thand May 24th, Mars is transiting Pisces, headed toward Neptune (on May 18th). This would suggest more serious conditions like earthquakes and tsunamis off the coast of Japan.

Science and Technology:

An article posted online Feb. 25, 2020, by Loz Blain is entitled “Fusion tech is set to unlock near-limitless ultra-deep geothermal energy.” It reports: MIT spin-off Quaise says it’s going to use hijacked fusion technology to drill the deepest holes in history, unlocking clean, virtually limitless, supercritical geothermal energy that can re-power fossil-fueled power plants all over the world.” This is another hopeful energy solution coming out of MIT, their geniuses have created Commonwealth Fusion, whose developments I have been reporting in this newsletter. They go on to say: “Where there’s access to heat, there’s harvestable geothermal energy. And there’s so much heat below the Earth’s surface, according to Paul Wopskov, a senior fusion research engineer at MIT, that tapping just 0.1 percent of it could supply the entire world’s energy needs for more than 20 million years.” For those of us who feel hopeless before the historical events before us now, hope springs eternal!

Another encouraging article posted in INVERSE: “A private company just made a huge breakthrough in nuclear fusion.” “Last week, the company Tokamak Energy announced that its spherical ST 40 tokamak reactor reached the 100 million Celsius threshold for commercially viable nuclear fusion.”

I am of the opinion that the science of Hydrology (water study, investigation and management) will emerge as one of the most important areas of study in our time. As climate extremes manifest, throughout the globe creating deserts, destroying crops, and causing extremely destructive flooding in many areas, we are going to have to come up with solutions. In the April Issue of Scientific American, there is an interesting article by Jelle Hagenaar entitled “Creek Revival.” She reports from Seattle: “Stream Team, led by biologist Katherine Lynch revived Thornton Creek by rebuilding its gut – a thick layer of wet earth, rich in microbes, hidden underneath the streambed.” She reports the result “Lynch’s vision has brought salmon back to Seattle’s most degraded creek and reduced urban flooding…” It would be worthwhile to read the whole article that outlines these methodologies “creating a blueprint for enhancing biodiversity while also reducing urban flooding and drought.”

Unfortunately, I see a further surge in COVID and Flu infections, due to relaxed restrictions. Booster shots are slow in coming, as are flu vaccines since the traditional flu “season” is not here.

For many years, I have been writing about cyber security in my books and newsletters, encouraging young people majoring in computer science to go into this field. Now, we are finally “waking up” to this neglected area. Investment in companies specializing in this technology is a must.

Final Thoughts:

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Albert Einstein

As current events are resurrecting the most terrible events in history – genocides, wars, pandemics environmental destruction, many of us are wondering if humankind, as an intelligent species, has learned anything at all. Allowing insanely malignant tyrants to take control of nations, invade and destroy other nations, and develop weapons of mass destruction would take us to a dark place in terms of hope for a greater future.

The rate of depression, drug abuse, and suicide has, sadly, literally broken all records in the US. Many people have resorted to organized hate groups, institutional destruction, and seriously violent behavior. As far as human historical behavior is concerned, it is deja vu all over again!

I am reminded of a time when I was a kid that I was, literally, stealing chocolate cookies from the cookie jar over and over again, against my grandmother’s warnings. Finally, Grandma sat me down and announced that I was to eat all the cookies in the cupboard. She watched as I stuffed my mouth, until my stomach rebelled, but I was not allowed to stop. When I started to literally, “lose my cookies” she pointed out to me that I had to “take the consequences.” This lesson stuck with me through the decades of my life! Greed is not good!

I think that we are experiencing the consequences of selfish, shortsighted behavior that has been magnified by an unregulated global economy that benefits the upper 1%, massive burning of fossil fuels, using and abusing the labor and resources of undeveloped nations, and allowing murderous dictators to continue abusing their people, as long as we can acquire their mineral wealth. Now, we are “losing our cookies” while hundreds of million people are suffering and dying.

I see a consciousness change just beginning to emerge, just over the horizon! Are you on board?



Important Points of Reference for Astrologers:

New Moon in 11 degrees Aries conjunct Mercury on April 1; Full Moon at 26 degrees Libra square Pluto on April 16; New Moon Eclipse at 10 degrees Taurus sextile Mars and conjunct Uranus on April 30; Mars conjunct Saturn at 22 degrees Aquarius square the Lunar Nodes April 4; Mercury is sextile Saturn April 7; Venus in Pisces is sextile Mercury conjunct Uranus April 17; Jupiter in Pisces is conjunct Neptune (opposition the Neptune of the US) on April 12; Jupiter is sextile the Lunar Nodes April 7; Mars goes into Pisces April 15 and is in this sign until May 24; Mercury in Taurus is conjunct the North Node and is sextile Jupiter April 22 is square Saturn April 24 and is sextile Neptune April 26.

About The Author

1 thought on “April 2022”

  1. Patricia Schurman

    Bravo! Brilliant work Linda. Thank you.
    Patricia Schurman

    “Unfortunately, I see a further surge in COVID and Flu infections, due to relaxed restrictions. Booster shots are slow in coming, as are flu vaccines since the traditional flu “season” is not here.
    SO TRUE!

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