March 2022

Pisces the Two Fishes – The Sign of Nothing and Everything:

This newsletter is about ambiguity – about great revelations and mass confusions – about expansion of consciousness and drugged dreams – about high hopes and grand disappointments; in short, about the history of the human experience of life on earth.

The ancient God, Neptune, who is the ruler of the sign of Pisces, is the deity who controls the seas, the weather, the great unpredictable storms, along with the marvelous ambiance and clarity felt while sailing the calm and embracing ocean in the best of times.

He controls the layers surrounding our psyches that dictate the “reality” in which we seem to exist; something like the Central Control of the aliens in the movie “The Matrix”. On the evil side of things, he is the global cartel of drug lords that makes billions of dollars addicting us and killing us. He is the self-appointed head of a cult who arms with weapons and promises its mentally enslaved members an exclusive form of salvation, until they die. He is the political autocrat who, while ruling a nation, spreads lies at every turn and invades a nearby nation. There is an ancient Buddhist warning: “If you see the Buddha on the road, slay him.” Vladimir Putin, the dictator of Russia, is an example of serial lying at every turn, as he sets his guns on taking over the Ukraine whose mineral resources are enormous, defy NATO, and re-establish the old Soviet Union’s dominance over Eastern Europe.

Then, there are the truly authentic Neptunians, with the gift of prophecies that contain blazing insights. In ancient Greece, Cassandra was given the gift of prophecy by the Sun God Apollo with a “hitch” attached – nobody would believe her! Thus, against her warnings, the Trojan War took place and her side lost.

Interestingly, now at this historic point, many of the warnings and predictions presented by seers from Nostradamus to Edger Cayce seem to be unfolding before our eyes. The problem with these great psychic prognostications is – we need to look clearly at their implications in what we call “the real world” in which our scientific instrumentation can observe and measure what may be unfolding. This includes historic human behaviors that have manifested before, when climate changes and resources for survival become scarce. The alternative is a tendency for people to “escape” into drugs, alcohol or even suicide, which we are, sadly, currently observing. This is a sure pathway to extinction.

The recent news released by global climate scientists is grim. They project that by 2050, nearly all coastal cities, including those in the US from New York City to San Francisco, will be flooded. The melting of the Antarctic glacier could raise ocean waters by four feet. Many island nations throughout the world will be under water. The Horn of Africa nations are already dried up and no longer habitable. Nations in the Middle East have lost most of their aquifers and crops are drying up. The Western United States is in the longest drought in 1200 years. Droughts are recurring, but this combined with man made global warning, the experts say, raises the severity by at least 40%. The recent acceleration of Winter storms, blizzards and floods and severe prolonged heat and fires in the West here in the US have reminded us that serious weather events are on the increase.

Winds of War:

The military invasion of Ukraine continues this month and NATO and the US have now imposed sanctions on Putin, personally and his access to the use of the global banking and financial system. Putin’s astrological chart (Oct. 7, 1952, 9:35 AM BGT, Leningrad, Russia) presents Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces square his part of fortune, is square his progressed Sun, and forms a Yod with his Pluto sextile Neptune/Mercury – all highly confusing, destabilizing and thus, a dangerous cocktail for irrational decisions. His Solar Arc Pluto is crossing his Scorpio Ascendant inconjunct his natal Moon. He sees himself as the reincarnation of a Russian Tzar, here to take over most of Eastern Europe and reunite the old Soviet Empire. He has already moved a lot of his money into safer places and has hidden gold assets. One thing that is a constant – he is delusional, mentally unstable, and lies at every turn.

Pres. Biden has announced that he and other nations are closing down the global banking system to Russia. Germany has announced they will sanction the new pipeline coming in from Russia. The NATO alliance has strengthened. Putin may have his “stash”, but his oligarch friends may not be so lucky. The Western world will be hit with more rising prices for oil and gas as the sanctions take place, further aggravating the already troublesome energy inflation hitting people. However, the US has the most natural gas in the world and plenty of oil. Biden will likely assist in refurbishing the infrastructure necessary to supply ourselves and other markets. Iran and the US are moving closer to renewing the nuclear agreement that former Pres. Trump dumped. If we release Iran oil back into the global market, it will lessen the hit Europe will take for the shutdown of Russian oil pipelines.

Saturn is moving into an opposition with Putin’s Pluto in his 10thHouse (rulership) trine his Neptune/Mercury in Libra (negotiation). The US and NATO need to figure out the right balance between “the carrot and the stick”. Another factor is that even though Putin is a dictator and has close to absolute power, there are other people surrounding him (the oil oligarchs) that may have something to say about Putin’s narcissism and power-mongering, and what this may cost Russia. In addition, the Russian people-at-large are against this invasion and major cities throughout Russia have staged huge protests. He may have stirred up enormous and meaningful opposition to his absolute power both at home and abroad. Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky and the young citizens of Ukraine are putting up a courageous fight and look impressive to the rest of the world.

Complexity Wrapped around confusion:

China and Russia through the years have been “frenemies” for a long time. Although China recently announced they are making deals with Russia, buying their oil and wheat, they also announced they do not necessarily approve of their moving their military forces into Ukraine. If Russia thinks China will help them borrow money, they are mistaken. China is in a major debt crisis of its own. However, we must not forget that China is in a similar situation with respect to Taiwan who they see as part of mainland China. Taiwan has been declared an independent nation and supported by the West and the US since WWII. This island nation has close economic ties with the US and manufactures most of our chip technology. As Russia invades the Ukraine, and the West is too weak in its response, China may finally consider invading Taiwan. To make the situation even murkier, India has long claimed Kashmir, a primarily Muslim territory which Pakistan claims belongs to them, is watching the West and may finally annex Kashmir as only belonging to them. These two nations are both armed with nuclear weapons. In recent years, they have made moves in this direction. All of this opens a giant can of worms in the world-at-large.

Transiting Uranus in Taurus is moving historically into the positions it was in when Hitler took over Austria and invaded Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. Putin’s megalomania resembles that of the dictators of that era. Two world wars were fought in the 20th Century involving oil, coal, and gas resources. Today’s nuclear weapons are so massively destructive, they defy description. The “big solution” – Nuclear Fusion – is being created and may be ready to go in a few years, but not fast enough. Meanwhile, history rhymes!

What will we do?

Until the civilized world adopts a “big solution to energy”, we will continually be enslaved by Russia and nations throughout the unstable monarchies and dictatorships in the Middle East. Fossil fuel will continue to warm up an Earth that has already been pushed to the edge of climate collapse. Here in the US, we will likely release restrictions on our own oil and gas corporations to be less dependent on foreign resources. Green, sustainable energy such as solar and windmill, realistically, cannot even approach the massive amount of energy that is needed here or anywhere. As this newsletter has been reporting for many years, Nuclear Fusion combined with and the perfect battery is the big solution. We are on our way there. The looming question is: will it be soon enough?

For the past twenty years, I have been reporting on the serious lack of cyber security in the US since we created the Internet without even considering that possibility. In recent years, we have observed the massive hacks and thefts on institutional systems throughout this nation and in other regions as well. With Venus and Mars going into Aquarius on March 6th(Mars will be there through April 14th, we will be aware of the possibility of a cyber war and will be taking measures to observe and prevent this. Both Russia and the US could simply shut down entire infrastructures with devastating consequences.

Pres. Biden, NATO, and the so-called “free world” will likely use diplomatic and economic tools to avert the worst of the worse, and much of what goes on will be kept highly secret. What goes on behind the scenes will be what counts.

The Supreme Court:

Pres. Biden has nominated highly credentialed 51 year old Judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson to the Supreme Court – the first African American woman to hold this office. This is another landmark decision in the area of equal rights.

The Economy:

After the first week of March, the financial markets in general, will tend to move upward, energy (gas and oil) inflation will continue to rise, the Feds will raise interest rates to a very small degree, but Wall Street will not tumble downward until between May 9th(Mercury goes retrograde) and May 16thwhen there is a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio nearly opposite the one last November in Taurus. Even with higher interest rates, real estate will continue to rise in price. However, this Neptune economy will defy description and will likely move in so many directions, the prognosticators will constantly change their tune!

Science and Technology:

At this juncture, the COVID pandemic is subsiding in many parts of the world, thanks to effective vaccines and anti-viral medicines. I wish I could be more optimistic, but I do not think we are “out of the woods” yet. Omicron Subvariant BA.2 is emerging in poor nations that have less access to vaccines. Before we can feel more at ease, it will take us into 2023 to get things under control. The Special Issue, March 2022 of Scientific American, contains a lot of information – the good, the bad, and the ugly – surrounding this pandemic and the possibility of others to come. The positive part is the amazing progress in medicine that has been accelerated and holds promise for the future.

This newsletter is dedicated to finding big solutions to big problems that are presenting themselves to us in this historic era. As you all know, I believe Nuclear Fusion will end the age of fossil fuel and provide humanity with infinite amounts of clean sustainable energy. For those of you who are new to this idea, we found an article posted on published on March 2, 2021, entitled: “Nuclear Fusion: Building a star on Earth is hard, which is why we need better materials.” The author, Aneeqa Kahn reports: “Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the Sun and all other stars. During fusion, the nuclei of two atoms are brought close enough together that they fuse together, releasing huge amounts of energy. Replicating this process on Earth has the potential to deliver almost limitless electricity with virtually zero carbon emissions and greater safety, and without the same level of nuclear waste as fission. But building what is essentially a mini star on Earth and holding it together inside a reactor is not an easy task. It requires immense temperatures and pressures and extremely strong magnetic fields.” The report continues and it is worth reading the whole article that discusses the current obstacles as well as breakthroughs that are making this a reality.

Also recently reported, on, an article was posted entitled “DeepMind has Trained an AI to Control Nuclear Fusion.” They explain: “The inside of a tokamak – the doughnut -shaped vessel designed to contain a nuclear fusion reaction – presents a special kind of chaos. Hydrogen atoms are smashed together at unfathomably high temperatures, creating a whirling roiling plasma that’s hotter than the surface of the sun. Finding smart ways to control and confine that plasma will be key to unlocking the potential of nuclear fusion, which has been mooted the clean energy source of the future for decades. At this point, the science underlying fusion seems sound, so what remains is an engineering challenge. ‘We need to be able to heat this matter up and hold it together for long enough for us to take energy out of it.’ says Ambrogio Fasoli, director of the Swiss Plasma Center at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Sausanne, in Switzerland.”
They go on to explain: “That’s where DeepMind comes in. The artificial intelligence firm, backed by Google parent company Alphabet, has previously turned its hand to video games and protein folding, and has been working on a joint research project with the Swiss Plasma Center to develop an AI for controlling a nuclear fusion reaction.” This is an article worth reading in its entirety. There have also been reported some technological problems with the Fusion Chamber – ITER – in France that will have to be solved and may delay the progress at this site, which is financed by the European Union.
Last week, the TV show “60 Minutes” reported on a terrible weapon launched on American diplomats and people in government service known as “Havana Syndrome”. It was named after the first attack on our ambassador and his family stationed in Cuba. Other diplomats were attacked while in China and were sent home. They have now discerned that it is likely a microwave directed at the brains of these people that destroys their inner ear sense of balance, their memory capacities, and other serious damage to their neurological health. If they know who is behind this, the information has not been released, but the probability is that it is either Russia or China.

This is a WOW!:

The enormous looming crisis of giant glaciers cracking and melting at the Poles that will likely cause coastal cities all over the world to become submerged and uninhabitable, seems almost impossible to comprehend, let alone fix. That is, until I ran across an article on . The article is entitled: “Radiative cooling: Protecting ice from melting under sunlight, from iced food to glaciers.”

They report: “Ice plays a significant role in many aspects of life, ranging from food preservation to ice supports and ecosystems, thereby providing incentive to protect ice from melting under sunlight. Fundamentally, ice melts under sunlight due to the imbalance of energy flow of incoming sunlight and outgoing thermal radiation. Radiative cooling can therefore balance the energy flows without energy consumption to sustainably protect ice. In a new report now published in ‘Science Advances’, Jinlei Li and a team of scientists in advanced microstructures, engineering, atmospheric sciences, and fine mechanics and physics, in China and the US., developed a hierarchically designed radiative cooling film using abundant and eco-friendly cellulose acetate molecules. The versatility of the materials provided effective and passive protection to ice in various forms and scales, under sunlight. The outcomes can effectively provide a scalable and tunable route to preserve ice and other critical elements of ecosystems.”

Final Thoughts:

Humans are an amazingly intelligent species that are severely limited by the tendency to cling to ancient beliefs that are highly limiting and, at worst, fatally false. We continue to selfishly battle one another which always leads us into wars and conflicts that, today, if we continue, would collapse civilization altogether. The nuclear and cyber weapons we have today will backfire on any nation that uses them. The old adage “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” leaves everybody blind and toothless.

Is this the Dystopian reality the “gift” we wish to give to our children and grandchildren?

We need Neptune and Pisces to work for us in the best of all possible ways – that is clearing away the storms, the fog, the clouds and shine a light on the array of solutions that lie in an atmosphere of clear minds, open hearts, and a willingness to work together within the context of tolerance and loving kindness.

The constellations above can inspire us with a gift of prophecy we can all embrace together. History can teach us that the terrible mistakes of the past may come around again, but, this time, it can be different.

Let us wake up, come out of our collective coma, and live the change we wish to see in the world!


Important Points of Reference for Astrologers:

New Moon at 12 degrees Pisces conjunct Jupiter and sextile Uranus on March 2; Full Moon at 27 degrees Virgo trine Pluto on March 18; Venus conjunct Mars and Pluto on March 3; Mars is conjunct Venus in Aquarius March 8; Mercury in Aquarius is conjunct Saturn March 2, is sextile Uranus March 18, is conjunct Jupiter March 26 and is conjunct Neptune March 30; Venus is square Uranus on March 18 and Mars is square Uranus on March 23; The Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio are trine and sextile Neptune March 17 through March

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