October 2021

The Libra Dilemma – Making a Decision:

The sign of Libra, ruled by Venus, governs the 7th House of partnership whose “domain” is (marriage), legal contracts, diplomatic relations, fairness, equality, and justice. Libra, like the season it represents, is positioned between life and death – as the Summer’s harvest is taken in and earth’s foliage turns into exquisite color before it dies, or simply descends into its roots underground until the Spring. Thus, symbolically, making decisions takes on an aura of grave importance.

Since Libra people are concerned with fairness and proper negotiation with persons who are often on opposite sides of an issue, they are “plagued” with time constraints involved in making a decision, feeling pushed and afraid they will make the “wrong” decision, and are at heir best when “the Law” makes the choice for them. They are often charming and attractive (Venus) and sometimes use their “charm factor” to postpone coming down one way or another, for or against – until people around them want to leave the negotiation altogether!

The struggles this month between the planets Mercury and Mars in Libra, ultimately forming squares (conflicts) with Pluto (the powerful) in Capricorn clearly demonstrate political warfare between women’s reproductive rights (Venus) and the self-appointed “Evangelical Christians” that we saw with the Texas antiabortion law last month that expanded to penalize anyone who assisted the women looking for the procedure performed over the six week limit.. The Supreme Court did not rule that this was “illegal”, thus encouraging other right-wing states to pass similar legislation and expect the Court to support them. This has resulted in women’s rights movements demonstrating in the streets throughout the US. My take is that the voter turnout in state legislature elections will be what wins the day, and that will take time. This month will increase the intensity.

There are also many “conservative” states controlled by Republican legislatures that will be pushing through laws making it harder for people to vote, as was done in Texas. This most effects people of color, minorities and poorer people, keeping them from voting for candidates who would represent their interests. The COVD pandemic is sweeping these States that have more un-vaccinated people. The virus will continue to infect thousands of people this month, through the end of the year. I see a small improvement in the outbreak in 2022.

The struggles in Congress around the big Biden infrastructure bills is illustrative of the Libra dilemma. The progressives in the Democratic Party are in an “all or nothing” mode. The fact is that compromise will be necessary to get this done and they must come together to do it.

This legislation will still be on the table this month until Mercury and Jupiter go direct on the 17th – 18th. I think there will be a positive momentum to pass something around this time, along with the US Budget “lifting of the ceiling”, which Sen. Mitch McConnell, once again, is threatening to hold up.

I predicted in last month’s newsletter that the Roberts Court would be active and making numerous rulings that will likely demonstrate the conservative nature of this court. Decisions from this Court will be highlighted this month through early November.

The Economy:

The Mercury retrograde square Pluto Sep. 26th through Oct. 2, and again Nov. 1 – 2, is bearish. We may have a sell-off early in the month and somewhat of an upswing around the 18th, when Mercury goes direct sextile Venus. However, Venus is square Neptune on the 26th creating an aura of uncertainty. We are now being confronted with members of the Federal Reserve Board being accused of “insider trading”. Corruption throughout the system is being exposed. Interest rates will remain low for now. Markets will be in an upswing around the 18th.

Interestingly, this very obstructive Mercury retrograde square Pluto points us to the significant election in Germany. There was no clear majority, so a coalition government has to be formed and Prime Minister Angela Merkel will stay in her position until early next year. Merkel is considered to be an outstanding leader who has been in office for four terms. She has a Doctorate in Quantum Chemistry in addition to her extensive experience a head-of-state. She will be difficult to replace.

Mars is inconjunct (destabilizing) Uranus (technology) on the 5th. There is a lot of furor around Bitcoin and all the other “coins” as to their legitimacy as currency or legal tender. China has officially “outlawed” Bitcoin. Mercury is also inconjunct Uranus back and forth between the 12th and the 24th. This transit of Uranus in Taurus (money, banking, property) went into this sign May 2018 and will be there until July 2025. Our entire banking system and currency usage is in the process of going digital. The block chain technology used by Bitcoin, which is nearly hack-proof, will make this possible. Once again, however, vulnerabilities to “hacking” into data bases will emerge.


In all my books, I have predicted that we would enter an era of mass migrations from around the world of a magnitude never seen before, overwhelming the nations receiving them. Neptune in Pisces points to climate changes consisting of droughts, flooding, heating, and conditions collapsing economies in nations that have few or no resources to combat these changes. Among the nations at most risk are Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, multiple nations in Central and So. America, and multiple African nations. This includes Afghanistan. People are fleeing for their lives.

Recently, the US has been presented with thousands of Haitians on top of the already monumental number of people trying to cross our border from Central and South America., overwhelming our resources. This is on top of those coming in from Central and So. America and many brought in from Afghanistan. We have been talking endlessly about immigration reform for decades without any essential agreements that would create and pass legislation from the political parties. These crises will will continue again this month through the end of this year.

The Biden administration will do whatever it can within its executive power. Earlier on, he appointed VP Kamala Harris to address this issue, who seems to survey the issue, act outraged, and offers no policy solution. His administration has taken multiple “hits”, including for the messy end to the Afghanistan War and treatment of Haitians at the border. I think it has moved and will continually move toward limiting access. The fact is: we simply do not have the resources, or the framework of legislation to address this enormous crisis.


This amplified crisis is, quite simply, the result of people refusing to be vaccinated and, in many regions, refusing to be masked. The US has moved away, over the past 50 years, from accepting mandates from any and all “central authorities” no matter what the scientific facts are. Sadly, the issue has also become “politicized.” Fear and paranoia of loss of freedom in a broad sense are effecting people’s judgment and leading to severe illness and death. It has also caused a spreading of the disease throughout the nation. Only about 55% of US citizens have been vaccinated. The last report was that 675,000 Americans have died of the virus. On top of everything else, China, where the virus originated, has closed the doors to continuing the information coming from the investigation of the pandemic’s origin.

This is a very tough issue for astrologers to address since there are many planetary pictures pointing to contagious illness. Neptune’s transit in Pisces until 2026 aligns with previous outbreaks of “the Plague” in past centuries. Too much of the world’s population lives in subsistence poverty and has little access to vaccines or remedies. I am concerned about the gathering of planets in Capricorn that will conjunct Pluto between Feb. and March of 2022, reactivating the great conjunction and Lunar Eclipse of Jan. 2020 under which the whole thing began.

However, on the optimistic side, we have developed a science and technology that points to cures never seen before in previous human history. Success will be incremental. Things will gradually improve, but will depend upon all of us to follow a pathway to true freedom – freedom from this disease.

Mother Nature and Weather:

The first week of this month, retrograde Mercury is square Pluto, pointing to severe storms, once again, targeting the Atlantic. Last month, a huge volcano erupted on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, which will continue this month. I have forecast this era as a volcanic cycle in past newsletters.

Science and Technology

Most of my readers know so well that I am a proponent of nuclear fusion. Many people think this usage is decades away from being viable, and I have gone on record to disagree. I happen to think this is the solution to climate catastrophes and the need for massive amounts of energy, available to nations everywhere. As an astrologer, my target year for this to go online around the world is 2026.

Last month, an article was posted in September on “The Hill” by Paul Dabbar, entitled “Fusion breakthrough dawns as era for US energy and industry.” He reports: “The fusion age is upon us. This week, a major breakthrough was achieved in key technology for commercial fusion power, and very likely sets up the first ever net-energy-out -fusion plant being commissioned four years from today.” He goes on to suggest “Everyone in the energy industry, policy makers, academia and labs should take note that we are at the dawn of a new energy revolution.” He explains “In fusion, two hydrogen atoms fuse, which liberates energy for power and helium, which is not a challenging product for the environment. Both nuclear and fusion do not emit carbon or any other gas emissions. And both nuclear and fusion have advantages over wind, solar, and other non-emitting energy types, given you can produce large amounts of energy in very small land footprints that can be located anywhere, and can run every hour of every day.

The author continues: “Commonwealth Fusion Systems (“CFS”) a Cambridge, Mass. headquartered Massachusetts Institute of Technology spinout, made the breakthrough announcement. CFS has ben focusing on developing a fusion plant based on the most researched fusion design, called tokamak, which uses powerful magnets to provide the magnetic containment for the fusion reaction. The core challenge for fusion is making a magnetic field strong enough to contain the reaction, while also generating more energy from the reaction than it takes to run the magnets.” He reports “CFS has been focusing on jumping magnet technologies historically used for fusion plants. They announced that they have successfully fabricated a full, plant-sized magnet with high temperature superconductor (“ HTS”) material. This magnet operates at a magnetic field strength significantly higher than current technologies, and is one hundred times larger than previous HTS magnets. And using this material means that power needed to produce the field is very low, compared to other materials, CFS and much of the fusion community have confidence that this magnet will very likely allow the DFS plant being built in Massachusetts to be the world’s first net-energy-out fusion plant. This means we will, for the first time, be able to generate more energy from the fusion reaction than it takes to generate the containment. And the higher magnetic field allows for a much smaller reactor than current nuclear plants, or the ITER fusion facility in France, allowing for much more manageable, cheaper and lower risk construction. In addition to CFS, it is likely that other fusion companies could also be close to achievements, including TAE Technologies, Canada’s General Fusion and others.”

My attention has been directed to this most important area for many years, as planets are marching forward in Aquarius – an age of invention that may surpass all others. Fossil fuel use has decimated the global climate and polluted the earth and its oceans (plastic – a derivative of oil). Its use has made us slaves to oil and gas economies here and in the Middle East and Russia, leading to price hikes, multiple military confrontations and unholy alliances. Right now, China is militarily controlling parts of the South China Sea, and other areas in the Pacific so they have more access to undersea oil. This puts them into a direct confrontation with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the US for control of that region, with whom Pres. Biden has recently met. Following this, France removed their ambassador to the US because the US replaced their submarines that they had previouly contractually sold to Australia. This is just one example of the clash of foreign powers, including all regions surrounding the Persian Gulf.

Infinite energy that can be produced in sites anywhere, gives off no pollution, has no catastrophic problems if it shuts down, and no longer makes us subject to oil nations raising prices leading to economic crises here and abroad, will truly change the direction of human civilization.

This is the next “big thing!”

Final Thoughts:

“All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining in perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.”

‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’
T. S. Eliot

We are all living and struggling together contained within a frame of time that challenges humanity in so many ways. It seems every crisis is converging at this critical point – a global pandemic, economic inequalities, regional wars, and climate catastrophes that threaten to subsume every other issue. The ruling global elites are currently demonstrating a colossal insensitivity to the fates of the rest of humanity. On top of it all, we are confronted with much of this on the Nightly News, whether we wish to deal with it or not. It is a dark gathering of storms that make the predictions of Nostradamus seem tame!

I am reminded, however, that nothing great has ever been accomplished when things were easy. Lower forms of consciousness repeating historic mistakes will not survive in a time when we must be more intelligent, more caring, and wiser than at any other time in human history. This is how evolution operates. We live in the perpetual present, a quantum world where all things are possible.

The eternal, timeless question lies before us. What will we choose?

Blessings to you all,


Important Points of Reference (for Astrologers):

New Moon at 13 degrees Libra conjunct Mars and inconjunct Uranus Oct. 6; Full Moon Oct. 10 at 27 degrees Aries opposition Mars and square Pluto; Mercury retrograde square Pluto Oct. 1, is conjunct Mars Oct. 9, is trine Jupiter Oct. 3, goes direct sextile Venus Oct. 18; Venus goes into Sagittarius Oct. 6, is sextile Saturn Oct. 13, is sextile Mercury Oct. 17, is square Neptune Oct. 26, is sextile Jupiter Oct. 28; Mars is inconjunct Uranus ct. 21; Jupiter goes direct Oct. 17.

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