February 2022

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Capricorn Meets Aquarius – Meant for Each Other.

As Mercury, the communicator in Capricorn goes direct Feb. 3 and is conjunct Pluto, the powerful on Feb. 11, it is important for us to make clear decisions about our future – decisions that have lasting consequences for a nation that is supposed to represent a government by and for “the people”. Do we take responsibility for ourselves, create an environment with a more equal playing field, give every citizen the chance to vote, increase economic opportunities for more than the ruling “elites”, heal a nation that is recovering from a terrible pandemic, a long term economic malaise, a mass mental depression that has driven many to suicide? Do we reach into our collective soul to find solutions to a devastated natural environment?

Capricorn, the sign of the US Pluto, is a sign that points to the very structure of governance for good or for ill. Many nations throughout the world are waging battles with autocratic governments that do not work and are, in many cases, simply arresting or killing all those who dissent. China has been very busy shutting down any semblance of democracy and/or human rights. It’s leadership is bringing more military forces near Taiwan, challenging the support we have given them since WWII. Russia has massed troops on the border of Ukraine in protest of the growing power of NATO in Eastern Europe, bringing us to the brink of war. No. Korea has tested supersonic nuclear missiles pointed in our direction.

Here at home, our nation is beset with a violent surge of angry “white supremacists”, disillusioned young people who do not feel that either the economy or the government are working for them, and people who are enraged that the country does not fit their “vision” of what they thought they had in times gone by. The problem with “revolutions” in general is that they wind out blowing up their institutions and eventually attacking each other. Capricorn reminds us that governance works when it meets the needs of the public rather than the privileged class alone.

Aquarius, the sign of the US Moon, holds within it the promise of mutual respect, intelligent debate and compromise on major issues, and, most importantly, dignity and respect accorded all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, wealth, or status. This is a sign that, at its best, is the ideal of democracy, the rule of law, and self governance. The right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is ensconced in our constitution and the Bill of Rights. Originally, all these rights were limited to white men, eliminating women, native Americans and Africans who were enslaved. Through the years, all citizens have fought hard to be included under this umbrella, but women, people of color, citizen immigrants, native Americans have all had to work very hard to attain this equal status.

Saturn, currently in Aquarius, is the “ruler” of Capricorn and holds the key to a consciousness change that must be inclusive rather than endlessly fighting and rejecting those who disagree. Too many disgruntled people have created a “Hate Industrial Complex” fueled by social media, many politically slanted television and radio programs, and “dark” sites on the internet.

What Now?

The Economy:

Mercury goes direct Feb. 3 and is conjunct Pluto Feb. 11, right on the Pluto in the chart of the USA, both of which are trine and sextile the Lunar Nodes in the money signs of Taurus and Scorpio. While Mars and Venus move ahead in Capricorn, Mercury is square Uranus on Feb. 24. All this highlights the stark realities fueling the “bubble” stock market as it falls down to earth. However, some form of the Democrats’ Build Back Better bill may be passed between now and early March in an attempt to stimulate the “real economy”. Feb. 17, Jupiter in Pisces is sextile Uranus in Taurus. All of these factors are bullish for the market in general, especially real estate and some tech sectors but is also inflationary. Last month, the Feds did not raise interest rates. They have already announced that the first hike will be in March. Supply chain deficiencies will likely continue contributing to inflation until 2023, since it is likely to continue under Jupiter in Pisces whose sector is oil and gas – until it goes into Aries in May. Then it backs into Pisces Oct. 27 through Dec. 20. Although the Fed will be raising interest rates to combat inflation, it will be nothing like the 1970s when interest rates rose as high as 14%. This is a good period to put your house on the market before interest rates rise to suppress these markets. The sextiles of Mars and Jupiter to Uranus suggests effective medicines being released to the public for COVD and an improvement in fighting the pandemic.

Cyber Security:

There will likely be released this month information about comprehensive cyber security measures being taken, long overdue, for all government, banking, and financial systems. This is an area I have been discussing on my newsletters and in my books for the past 20 years and have been astounded at the neglect, hacking invasions, and “ransom” attacks that have taken place over the years. The lack of security in this sector endangers our entire infrastructure and makes us vulnerable to attacks, especially from Russia and China that could actually be an effective means of waging war.

Russia, v. NATO and the US:

I mentioned in previous newsletters that the transit of Saturn in Aquarius was present in the early 1960s when the Cuban missile crisis nearly resulted in a nuclear war with Russia. Saturn was present in Aquarius again in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia has put massive numbers of troops on the Ukrainian border challenging the spread of nations in Eastern Europe joining NATO which could include the Ukraine. Russian Pres. Putin holds a profound and historic grudge against Western European Nations, NATO, and the US, seeing a spread of military and economic control far too close to their territory. Pres. Biden, who has been perceived as “weak” will stand up to Russia and send weapons and troops to the region, supported by the NATO nations. Putin is making a highly flawed calculation. NATO will be strengthened as military operations move forward. Biden will move toward sanctions, especially in the area where global financial transactions take place, known as SWIFT.


“ I don’t know what word in the English language – I can’t find one—applies to people who are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organized human life so they can put a few more dollars into their highly stuffed pockets. The word ‘evil’ doesn’t even begin to approach it.”
Noam Chomsky, PhD, world-renowned linguist, and social commentator.

Mercury’s direct motion this month conjunct Pluto will likely force Congress to pass legislation that encompasses parts of the “build back better” bill proposed by Pres. Biden. Voting rights legislation is also likely to pass, but in a different form than previously expected. Since Supreme Court Justice Breyer has announced his retirement, Pres. Biden will fulfill his promise to appoint an African American woman to the Court.

Because money has controlled politics for so long and voters’ rights are being suppressed, there is a cynicism that prevails throughout the nation that borders on people “giving up” altogether. Most think all politicians are bought out, bribed, and are not worth voting for. This is the most dangerous tendency of all and will likely lead us to the demise of our democracy. New, younger people with clearer commitments will eventually emerge, but this is the time of an ongoing “crisis in confidence” before we get there.

Science and technology:

Jan. 12, an article was published in Bloomberg News entitled “Cannabis Compounds Prevented COVID Infection in Laboratory Study”. They report: “Cannabis compounds prevented the virus that causes COVID-19 from penetrating healthy human cells, according to a laboratory study published in ‘The Journal of Nature Products’. The two compounds commonly found in hemp – called cannabidiolic acid (CBGA) bound to spike proteins found on the virus and blocked a step the pathogen uses to infect people.” These studies reflect the ongoing research into specific Cannabis extracts that may be used in modern medicine.

It was announced on Jan. 4th that “China switched on its nuclear fusion device that’s 5 times hotter than the sun and it ran for 17 minutes.” Successful fusion sites are switching on throughout the world. I have been reporting on these successes for years in my newsletters. Sites include Commonwealth in Cambridge, MA, Helion in Seattle, WA, Livermore Laboratories in California, ITER in France, among others.

Recently in the January issue of Science News, it was reported that the “Dawn of Humanity” has been pushed back about 30,000 years with a recent discovery and dating of even earlier human fossils. This would make humanity about 230,000 years old. I am of the opinion that civilization, itself, is far older than previously thought. Climate changes may uncover more ancient sites that would suggest this.

In the Feb. Issue of Scientific American, an article entitled “The Origins of Space and Time” is published. The question is raised “Does spacetime emerge from a more fundamental reality?” This article is seriously worth reading since our entire system of beliefs about reality are changing and moving away from the dominance of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and into territory never explored before. This is all part of an evolution of human consciousness that is moving us into the Aquarian Age exponentially.

Weather and Climate:

The extremely cold weather patterns in the US will continue this month. Multiple and sizable volcanoes that have been erupting are likely depositing ash into the atmosphere that is creating a cooling effect. Mercury goes direct conjunct Pluto Feb. 3rd, unleashing more severe weather events.

We are in a pattern of contradictory factors. Greenhouse gasses have warmed the earth’s temperature to the point of glaciers melting at the poles, fires in the western US, etc. However, the astrology of Pluto in Capricorn and moving into Aquarius suggest a global cooling, and, because of fresh melted water from the poles coming into the Atlantic Ocean, disruptions in the warming ocean currents (like the Gulf Stream) are occurring – a pattern that was a factor in the mini-Ice Age (the mid 1400s to the mid 1800s). The combination of these tendencies would suggest serious uncertainty in predicting where this will all take us. By 2026, I am forecasting that nuclear fusion will be operating in sites throughout the world and will be the beginning of the end the age of fossil fuel.

Final thoughts:

We are in a time of endings and beginnings. This is the most profound period in known human history on a planet whose miraculous life forms are all at stake.

I am reminded of Kali – the Hindu Goddess of Creation and Destruction. As the old world is destroyed, the looming question is: What kind of new world will we create? Extinction or evolution or both?

One thing for sure, we can’t run away from this. There is no exit plan. The starry skies are summoning us. Our children are crying out to us. The divine presence of the universe itself is embracing us. I am on board. Are you?



Important Points of Reference for Astrologers:

New Moon at 12 degrees of Aquarius conjunct Saturn and square Uranus Feb. 1; Full Moon at 27 degrees Leo square the Lunar Nodes Feb. 16; Mercury goes direct at 24 degrees Capricorn on Feb. 3 and is conjunct Pluto Feb. 11; The Lunar Nodes trine and sextile Pluto Feb,. 7 – 16th; Mars in Capricorn is sextile Jupiter is Pisces Feb. 4, is trine Uranus in Taurus Feb. 9 and is sextile Neptune in Pisces Feb. 22; Jupiter in Pisces is sextile Uranus Feb. 17; Venus in Capricorn is conjunct Mars and sextile Neptune Feb. 24; Mercury in Aquarius is square Uranus Feb. 24.

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