September 2021

(Mercury in Libra (August 30 – November 5) with the New Moon in Virgo and the Full Moon in Pisces.)

“Liberty and Justice for All”

Organization vs. Fragmentation:

The “sign” of Libra is strongly associated with justice, the rule of law, fairness and balance. This would bring us to the making of laws (the Congress), enforcement of the law (police and local courts), and the interpretation of the law (The Supreme Court). Mercury, the great communicator, transiting this sign through Nov. 5, will be testing all of us during this time, when the Supreme Court will be hearing cases that will decide on the validity of the law in certain cases and what comprises “liberty and justice” in the Constitution.

The New Moon in Virgo (organization and precision ) trine Uranus (inventions and clarity of purpose) followed by the Full Moon in Pisces opposite Neptune (fragmentation and disillusion) – will make it hard for Mercury to decide what it wants to do, let alone what it wants to say! Pisces contains bits and pieces of everything. Thus, it either puts the pieces of the puzzle together, or simply throws everything away and prepares to start all over again. This is what confronts the people of Afghanistan at this moment in time – how to assimilate the fragments!

The fact is that our society here in the US is not comprised of equality, fairness, or justice. Where you are in the scheme of these things depends basically on your personal wealth. Money not only talks – it determines where you live, if you can vote (since many states are now restricting voters’ rights), if you can afford decent representation in the courts, if you can have access to decent healthcare, and, whether we like or do not like, your “status” in society. The “Gods” of ancient times have been replaced by billionaires, CEOs, professional athletes, and media stars – all those who are very very rich.

There is nothing wrong with having great ideas, working hard, and succeeding beyond your dreams! The best part of Capitalism is that it gives people a “shot” at a decent life and an opportunity to invest in something that could benefit the investor and the company. A balance (Libra) between entreprenureal capitalism and social safety nets and infrastructure (Aquarius) for all could benefit our nation as a whole. That is not what we have now. We have a billionaire class that manipulates the banking system, the stock market, our legislators, our media, and, most of all, pays little or no tax to help finance the public support systems. They are reminiscent of the royal De Medicis, who ruthlessly controlled most of the economies (the Church, the kings, and the banks) in Europe during the Renaissance.

Where are we now?

The public response to all these challenges over the past 40 years has seemed to move away from realism and into fantasy. Those who should be held accountable for all of this (the billionaire financial cartel) are ignored and many groups have descended into “blaming” people of color, differing religions, ethnic groups and political persuasions.

We have very close to a likely “miracle” vaccine program for the greatest pandemic in modern history financed by two presidents, and we have people refusing the vaccine, refusing masking to protect themselves and others, and, instead threatening and harassing people who are wearing masks for themselves and their children going back to school and into public places. Demonizing the government, the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors are symptomatic of a generalized distrust of any and all central authority. This response, to a degree, is understandable, since so many of our institutions have “sold out” the people-at-large in favor of lining their own pockets at all cost. Now, when our institutions are actually pulling themselves together to rescue us, a sizable number of people are refusing the help that is absolutely necessary. They are instead descending into hate mongering and revolutionary terrorizing of the system. They would rather “burn down the house” than rebuild it. Climate catastrophes are now overwhelming people’s resources, both physical and psychological – resulting in drug overdoses, suicides, people with guns wildly shooting people in public places, and various tragic behaviors.

This month, there will be challenges before the Supreme Court (Libra) to decide about laws states are passing to limit voters’ rights. When Saturn entered Libra back in 2010, the famous “Citizens United” case decided by the Court unleashed the legal right to make unlimited financial contributions into political parties’ elections – referring to the money as “freedom of speech.” Mercury in Libra goes retrograde square Pluto in Capricorn on Sept. 26th that could be deja vu all over again! The question will bring up, once again, whether or not we are a Democracy or a Plutocracy.

The Economy:

The longest bubble stock market in history will take a few punctures this month, especially the first week of the month under Mars opposition Neptune and the last week of the month with the Mercury retrograde square Pluto, but will be unlikely to collapse. There is no longer a relationship between all the crises that effect people in general, and what goes on in Wall Street. Some version of a second huge infrastructure bill will likely pass when both Mercury and Jupiter go direct after Oct. 17th.

Between the 21st and 22nd, Venus (currency) will oppose Uranus pointing to another giant “hack” along with some kind of crisis with the value of Bitcoin. There is a current conflict in the financial world between those concerned about serious inflation and those who say the infrastructure legislation being passed covers its costs and is spread out over the next 10 years. This is a very complex argument. A lot is happening now that has nothing to do with the infrastructure packages. Climate change is impacting food chains. Oil companies arbitrarily raise gas prices whenever they can get away with it. Trade restrictions on China limit the influx of chips, raising prices in everything to cars to cell phones to computers. We have a labor shortage of so-called “essential workers”. None of these price increases has to do with the legislation passing at this time. It needs to be noted that the huge demand for Bitcoin has caused them to burn and use large amounts of coal in order to supply the enormous amounts of electricity in order to create it.


I am using the chart for the abolition of the monarchy published in “The Book of World Horoscopes” by Nicholas Campion: July 17, 1973, 00:00 AM LZT, Kabul, Afghanistan.

This nation has defied all other nations and empires who have tried to conquer it, for hundreds of years. Those who “lost” this effort include Alexander the Great of Greece, the Roman Empire, The British Empire, and more recently, the now defunct USSR and, of course, the US. The dominance of The Taliban, an army that sees itself as an enforcer of a version of fundamentalist Islam that was in vogue in the 11th Century, have been fighting each other and other tribal divisions, even now including ISIS. These tribal entities for aeons have fragmented and tormented this country, killing and or enslaving each other and everybody else. Their treatment of women has historically been one of male ownership, just above the level of farm animals.

The chaos that has ensued from the US evacuating Americans, Afghans who helped Americans, soldiers who fought side by side with Americans, and translators is no surprise. Once this process is complete, this nation, with Pluto opposed its Sun, Saturn conjunct its Jupiter/Moon and square its ascendant, transiting Neptune square its Natal Saturn for the next three years, and Solar Arc Neptune opposing its Sun for three years, points to a tragic disintegration of this nation.

Billions of dollars have gone into building this nation’s present infrastructure that will now be withdrawn. There is potential for the mining of minerals, but the nation lacks an infrastructure for this. Its only economy is based on growing poppies and selling heroin globally. Even this industry will likely go down since they are in the middle of a catastrophic drought. Surrounding nations such as Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia do not want to get into nation building or financing anything there. The Taliban are getting their weapons somewhere, but they will soon be without the necessary financial resources to pay for them. I do not think the Taliban will be able to hold onto its central control. Multiple terror groups will likely try to organize, but will run into other terror groups who will fight them. There are no “winners” here.

Science and Technology:

You all know, by this time, that I am closely following the fast growing technological advancement surrounding nuclear fusion. I am of the opinion that this is the “next great thing” that could present us with infinite energy with no environmental destruction.

On July 20, 2021, an article was posted on EE/Times entitled: “Helion Energy Achieves Key Fusion Milestone” by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio. The articles reports: “Helion’s fusion electricity generators are compact, use small amounts of fuel, and can run 24/7. Therefore, one of the key benefits of Helion’s power facilities is that they can directly plug into existing transmission infrastructure and replace current fossil-fuel based power generation without significant investment in additional infrastructure. Grid-level transmission infrastructure is a requirement of large-scale, gigawatt-class power associated with traditional fusion approaches,’ said the Helion rep. The article goes on to explain: “Fusion aims to provide abundant and reliable basic energy solution to meet the world’s growing energy needs. Climate change is one of the world’s most challenging and pressing challenges, and the new energy technologies are needed to answer the climate crisis. From Helion’s perspective, the climate crisis needs a breakthrough and renewables can no longer be the primary source of energy production. As energy needs become more widespread, fusion can provide and abundant and reliable basic energy solution.” Another advantage to this form of energy is reported in the article. “Fusion is an abundant source of zero-carbon baseload power, but unlike fission, fusion cannot produce a runaway chain reaction. If something goes wrong, fusion simply stops. Fusion also does not produce any long-term waste and cannot be weaponized.”

Other fusion projects are also forging ahead. The Livermore Laboratory in California is refining how ignition is produced and making it less awkward to implement.

It was recently announced in “Sustainable Energy” in an article by Anmar Frangoul, posted Aug. 19th, “World’s first fossil-free steel produced in Sweden and delivered to Volvo.”The author reports:“ The news represents the latest development for the Hybrit project, which was set up on 2016 and is owned by SSAB, energy firm Vattenfall and LKAB, a mining and minerals group. Both Vaytytenfall and LKAB are owned by the Swedish state. The idea underpinning Hybrit is to use ‘100% fossil-free hydrogen’ rather than coal and coke in steel production.” The elephant in the room with all the electric cars, solar panels, windmills and other “green innovations” is that the amount of fossil fuel it takes to manufacture all this deposits huge amounts of greenhouse gasses into the environment.
This development, using hydrogen instead, would solve the problem. I call this a “wow!”

Weather and Natural Events:

I am concerned about severe storms September 1 through 3 with Mars opposition Neptune. However, the greater concern is the Mercury square Pluto September 22 through September 30, in the sign of Libra which has corresponded with mega hurricanes in the Atlantic and on the US East Coast in the past. The question is, are we prepared?

I would avoid air travel until Mercury goes direct, is well aspected, and Jupiter goes direct on Oct. 18.

Final Thoughts:

“If all good people were clever,

And all clever people were good,

The world would be nicer than ever

We thought that it possibly could.

But somehow, ‘tis seldom or never

That the two hit it off as they should;

For the good are so harsh to the clever,

The clever so rude to the good.
”Elizabeth Wordsworth English Poet

What a world we might create if we could gather together in a spirit of mutual respect; if we would listen carefully to those with the opposite opinion; if we could look at the legacy of history and the discoveries of science. This would represent an honest attempt to find what is good and true and join hands together to bridge the gaps, mend all the breaks, and heal all the wounds we have inflicted on ourselves and our living planet.

Liberty and justice in no way includes the “freedom” to infect each other, wound each other, and kill each other. The COVID virus does not care what political party we joined, what religion we profess, what kind of education we have, how much money we have in our portfolio, or how long we have served in Congress. Masks and vaccinations could protect most of us until this terrible pandemic “runs its course” and it no longer threatens the whole of humanity. Cleaning up our planet, leaving the Age of Fossil Fuel, tending our fields and forests with care, and living sustainably may save all life on earth from extinction.

There are times in history when “We the People” need to throw off narcissistic childish and hateful behaviors and simply grow up – act like adults for a change. A culture of caring for one another,, intelligent debate, and willingness to invest in what benefits us all could change the trajectory into a future that we could, hopefully, navigate together.

This is what will ultimately “set us free.”



Important Points of Reference (for Astrologers):

New Moon in 14 degrees Virgo trine Uranus and opposed Neptune Sep. 6-7; Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces conjunct Neptune and sextile Pluto Sep. 20; Mercury in Libra is trine Saturn Sep. 4, is trine and sextile the Nodes Sep. 2, is trine Jupiter Sep. 20 and goes retrograde Sep. 26 (through Oct. 18) square Pluto; Venus in Libra is trine Jupiter and square Pluto Sep. 6, goes into Scorpio Sep 11, is square Saturn Sep. 17. is opposite Uranus Sep 22 and is trine Neptune Sep 29; Mars goes into Libra Sep. 15 and is trine and sextile the Nodes Sep. 20, and is trine Saturn Sep. 25.

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