June 2021

Gemini Attack: Deception compounded by confusion surrounded by distraction: (Mercury retrograde in Gemini square Neptune)

Living in the midst of multiple emergencies all crying for our attention has presented us with an array of choices – ramp up and get organized, shut down and crawl under the covers, or polish off a bottle of Scotch! …

  • We are swamped! The COVID virus, climate catastrophes, Washington at war with itself, and an economy swinging up, around and down again – all demand our attention when we are already just plain exhausted.

    The first week of this month, we will be confronted with more cyber “hacks” into our infrastructure, storms with high winds, volcanoes erupting, earth tremors, and Wall Street wild fluctuations. The most preferred choice we may make is – crawling under the covers WITH a bottle of Scotch.
  • Former Pres. Trump, whose birthday is this month and is a Gemini, (June 14, 1946, Jamaica, NY, 10:54 AM EDT) will take major “hits” to his chart from the Solar Eclipse and from the Mercury/Neptune square, which could reveal events he wants to conceal. Last month, it was announced that his business is being investigated for criminal activity. His chart is stressed, but his personality (Mars on his Ascendant) thrives on fighting for the sake of fighting.

    He continues to communicate his alternate version of reality (Neptune), but he has already been banished from Twitter and now, again, from Facebook. The Solar Eclipse on June 10 is conjunct his Uranus/Sun conjunction. By the end of this month, we may see what multiple investigations surrounding his finances, his past collaborations with Russia, and his involvement in the Jan 6 insurgency will all bring to light.

    My axiom for finding the unvarnished truth at any time in history is “follow the money.” Trump is using wealth that is not his own (campaign contributions), coming in from behind the scenes (the 12th house) in order not to reveal where he has stashed his money.

    The New York State Dept. of Justice currently investigating him are waiting till all their ducks are in a row before making the next move. Mercury goes direct on June 22 and the agencies that are investigating him will likely speak out at that time. Republicans in the Senate blocked a non-partisan investigation of the Jan. 6th insurgency that we all witnessed both live and on video.
  • Pres. Biden will have to sort out all the foggy information coming in this month about his expensive economic rescue packages and how the rich may be taxed to pay for it. He also wants to pass a bill that would reorganize police and law enforcement, holding them accountable for Racist attacks on people of color, following up on the George Floyd murder and countless other incidents. Republicans have been resisting and obstructing nearly all proposals from the Biden administration and confusion will be prevail this month. The job market still needs workers but many women are slow to come back into the workforce due to problems with child care. Gemini is one of the signs associated with immigration. Mercury retrogrades square Neptune (confusion) right on the Mars/Neptune square in the US chart swamping this area. Vice President Harris is managing this department. Her Ascendant is in Gemini, thus, she will be in the forefront.
  • Last month, Biden was also challenged by the violent conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. He, with the help of Egypt and Jordan, have negotiated a ceasefire that will likely come into question this month as afflicted Mercury goes retrograde. The chart of Israel is filled with conflict, connected to the Saturn/Uranus square, that will get worse this month as transiting Mars goes into Leo June 12th and will be in the sign until July 28th, activating their Taurus/Leo squares. The transit of Saturn in Aquarius will force a reorganization of their government and new policies with respect to their borders. The era of the Netanyahu government may be coming to an end.
  • Another nation whose chart is activated for the next two years is Russia. The Biden administration is currently meeting with the Russian administration. Russia has already installed multiple military bases surrounding the Arctic and is beginning to monopolize new shipping lanes in the melted Arctic Sea to transport oil and gas. They are also tapping into the methane gas that has been released in the great glacier melt. The other nations surrounding the Arctic, who are our allies, are threatened and this could lead to serious conflicts.
  • Biden is being challenged by the policies and practices of Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping who has ended Democracy in Hong Kong, repressed and enslaved ethnic groups within its own nation, disputing its border with India, and seems to be returning to the policies of the Mao Communist Government of the Cold War. Many nations throughout the world are now protesting China’s policies, further isolating them from global trade. The astrological chart of China points to serious upheavals in their government between now and 2026.
  • Since 2020, I have been forecasting severe weather events and “hacks” into our infrastructure. Last month, out biggest oil pipeline from Texas to New York Harbor was “hacked” and shut down. Water systems were attacked in Florida.We all remember when Texas lost its electricity, and its water pipes burst back in Feb. when extreme cold and snow hit the state. This month through the first week of July we will see more of these emergencies. It is commonly thought that Russia is behind this – as they were last December when our government agencies and many large corporations were hacked. With Mars in Leo, fires may break out in California and parts of the Western US.

I would recommend postponing long distance travel this month as there are unexpected events making it more dangerous. Mid to late July is a safer environment.

Better times are ahead:
I want to go on record with this heart felt statement. As tough as our times are today, I believe our future can and will likely be much better – even inspiring! By 2026, a celestial pattern of planets would suggest an age of great historic progress in technology, problem solving, and human endeavor never seen or envisioned before. As an astrologer, my job is to forecast issues, themes, and probabilities that are likely to express themselves in human life here on earth. This includes events that are dangerous or problematic, as well as great breakthroughs that lead to solutions. I am of the opinion that we are headed in the right direction. Remember that the darkness always precedes the dawn!

The Economy:
We have been witnessing the biggest expansion on Wall Street in our lifetimes. Last month, as I predicted, markets headed downward on fears of inflation, primarily caused by OPEC raising oil prices and the hack on the Texas oil pipeline. There may be more downward movement this month, especially in the first week of June. Confusion, false information, and unreliable sources will muddle the markets this month until Mercury goes direct on June 22.

The gap between Wall Street and Main Street has been growing for the past 40 years. Businesses do not want to hire people unless absolutely necessary and want to pay as little as possible, while they offshore their profits abroad. Even though hiring is increasing post-pandemic, corporations prefer the “gig” economy containing temporary workers. Washington will not be able to reverse this over night, but I give Pres. Biden a plus for trying.

The problem at this time is getting a clear pathway forward that is understood. Small businesses, the life’s blood of our economy, are afraid of paying higher taxes when Biden has made it clear that small enterprises and those making under $400,000 a year will not pay more in taxes. He is clearly targeting the billionaire class who benefited from the 2017 tax break. It will be huge businesses and very rich people that will pay more on their profits, capital gains, and inheritances. There are a growing number of billionaires who are actually agreeing with this assessment, since the economic gaps between the rich and everyone else is enormous and detrimental to the health of the economy.

Over the past 40 years, the “financialization” of the economy has shifted risk from original companies (who used to take on the initial investment risk themselves) to their stockholders, creating huge risks to the whole economy when there is a significant crash or “correction,” and prolonged recession. The money has gravitated into giant hedge funds and invested retirement accounts and away from salaries and savings accounts. This has been made even riskier by the appearance of the SPACS. In addition, huge debt obligations assumed by these corporations that are currently controlled by historically low interest rates put more people than ever at risk. We are all far too familiar with the debt obligations taken on by the Federal Government. The majority of Americans have little or no understanding of these complexities and frequently do not know which political candidates do or do not support these policies. Sorting all this out this month will be a monumental task.

Big news last month was that AT&T has merged Warner Media (who owns CNN) with Discovery and then is divesting itself of both. This is an unusual move, but points to a lack of will on the part of AT&T to deal with the consequences of their buying all this in the first place. On the other hand, giant monopoly Amazon is apparently has made a deal to acquire MGM Studios for $8.5 billion – $9 billion that would be the biggest deal since they bought Whole Foods in 2017 for $13.7 billion.

Science and technology:
We now all are informed about the serious chip shortage that is due, in part, to our trade sanctions on China. The world’s largest manufacturer is TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co.) stationed in Taiwan, the island China is trying to reclaim as its own, and the US is pledged to defend. The US is only the second largest producer of chips. Now, Intel has started the process of making moves to make chips in Europe. The US needs to expand its chip manufacturing capacity here at home. We need to disentangle ourselves from China in general. Fortunately, Intel has also announced it will spend $20 Billion to build two new chip plants in Arizona, which definitely moves us in the right direction.

It was reported on New Scientist that huge amounts of Mercury are being released from Greenland’s melting glaciers, into the rivers. Mercury is a very dangerous toxin that can damage the brain and nervous system. This is only one of many “devils” being released by the Great Arctic Melt.

I have been forecasting increased volcanic activity in previous newsletters. The giant Icelandic Volcano continues to erupt at rates not seen in at least 800 years. There is a major volcanic eruption taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo sending people fleeing from the area. Recently, a large geomagnetic solar storm wave was released from the Sun, initiating a short solar maximum period when this solar activity will likely increase through 2025. These Solar Waves could severely disrupt our satellites and electrical infrastructure. Last month, news was released which reports that the longest and most severe drought in recorded history has hit the Southwestern US. This is a very intense and disruptive cycle under the heading “natural events”.

It was reported on Live Science that the first genetically modified mosquitoes, after successfully been released in Africa, have been released in the US. The firm, Koxitec, has modified male mosquitoes so that when they mate with females, they release a toxin. The hope is that they will become extinct. The number one killer in the world is malaria, which mosquitoes carry and effects the most people in tropical locations. Mosquitoes all carry the Zika virus, various forms of encephalitis, and other deadly diseases. This is a major medical breakthrough.

Mercury’s transit in Gemini, ruling the brain and nervous system, suggests there may be helpful and productive new research in this field. In the May Issue of Scientific American, reporters Daniela Kaufer and Alon Friedman write: “Leaks in the protective blood-brain barrier may lead to Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Reversing the damage makes aging animal brains look young and healthy.” They announce that a new drug that was previously used in cancer therapy, has been discovered to reverse this inevitable damage. Another article contained in this same issue is entitled “Age of Opportunity” which reports: “A refined understanding of the adolescent brain could lead to improvements in education and mental health.” This is especially relevant with the multiple failures of our society to educate and inspire our young people who, too frequently, are abandoned by parents, live in borderline poverty, and are molested at ages that leave them permanently scarred. The growing incidence of teen obesity, drug addiction, and suicide deserves our attention!

Final Thoughts:
Many of my clients ask me what to do when Mercury goes retrograde and I usually reply – that they should avoid starting new projects or signing important legal documents during this transit. On the positive side of this, I find that it is a favorable time to review, reorganize, and, most of all, reflect on the decisions you have made and what you have learned. Valuable information may come your way that you may have overlooked in your haste to just get the job done!

Contemplation and critical thinking have been discouraged in our crazy sound byte world that inundates us with information that may be misleading or outright fraudulent, released only to push products and make enormous amounts of money at the top of the “food chain.” Even worse, we are flooded with information coming in about the terrible collective fates of so many nations whose citizens are dying from the virus, whose natural environment is devastated, whose economies are broken, and whose criminals seem to have taken over their fates.

It is up to us – to walk quietly in the parks, around the shores and waterways, and experience amazement and inspiration in the glory of nature. It is up to us to find a silent room in our homes to meditate, visualize, create, and quietly get in touch with the miracles in store for us in a universe of information we barely comprehend. There are inspiring books, paintings, films, and songs that are still being written, shown and heard. These are now safer times we may spend with our cherished families and friends – who we now understand mean everything to us.

It is time to look upward at the amazing starry constellations that foretell our collective fates and hold a promise – that we may choose to re-create our lives within a sphere of light, love, and hope!



Important Points of Reference (for astrologers):
Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Gemini conjunct Mercury and square Neptune on May 10; Full Moon at 3 degrees Capricorn sextile Jupiter in Pisces on June 24; Mercury retrograde (5/29 – 6/22) is square Neptune June 1 through June 6; Mars in Cancer is opposition Pluto June 1 through June 6; Venus enters Cancer June 1 trine Jupiter, is sextile Uranus June 13, is trine Neptune June 20, and is opposition Pluto June 23 through 24; The Sun is square Neptune June 14; Mars enters Leo and is opposed Saturn and square Uranus June 30; Saturn is square Uranus June 15.

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