May 2021

The Saturn/Uranus square – (within orb Feb. 16 through Dec. 27th 2021.)

Two Steps Forward – One Step Backward

SATURN is a planet whose concerns gather around structure, awareness of consequences, order, limitation, authority, frameworks and clarity of purpose. URANUS is often the “bad boy” who rebels, overthrows, invents, thinks out of the box, and takes the leap of faith into the realms of uncertainty, willing to risk the consequences. If these two guys decide to work together, nations create an effective infrastructure that serves civilization for future advancements and a shared prosperity for all.

When these two decide to resist each others’ agendas, the effect is like putting on the brakes and the gas at the same time, shredding the mechanics of the vehicle. The looming question is: will we fix it or shred it?


As we already know, the Biden Administration is proposing a giant infrastructure legislative package designed to fix roads, highways, water, electric lines, and includes child and elder care, and internet access for all. So far, there has been no public acknowledgment that we need to develop and work with nuclear fusion, my personal “favorite”. More widespread support for this awaits us in the future.

Biden plans to pay for this by dropping tax breaks for the oil and gas corporations and reducing the enormous tax breaks for billionaires and corporations enacted by the Trump Administration. He will not raise income taxes on people making up to $400,000 a year. He is promoting the “idea” of increasing capital gains taxes and clamping down on the practice of corporations and individuals “outsourcing” profits to nations that are tax exempt. Many CEOs of corporations and banks, to a degree, are on board with this and are negotiating with the administration as to the percentage amounts. They are finally recognizing the widely destructive effects of extreme inequality on the nation as a whole. Republicans have taken the position of rejecting any legislation originating with the Democrats.

The Saturn/Uranus square, combined with Mercury in Gemini square Neptune and going retrograde the end of this month is likely to stall the momentum, even as more extreme weather events destroy more infrastructure (as we experienced in Feb. in Texas). In addition, we may uncover more hacking into corporate and government data (Mercury retrograde square Neptune) similar to what was exposed last December. Confusion and uncertainty will create a “wobble” in financial markets. I do not see clarity in all this until the end of June, when Mercury goes direct.

The guilty verdict in the Floyd case is a “beginning” in the current movement for racial justice in the US. It was announced that three other police officers will go on trial in August. Meanwhile, there are more police shootings of young black people, more mass shootings of innocent people by arguably “crazy” disgruntled men all over the country, all of which is forcing us to look at our nation squarely as to who we really are! The reform of police departments, gun reform, all seem to come together and these issues continue to present themselves this month, as Mercury goes back and forth over the US. Mars/Neptune square. We seem to be shooting each other either legally or illegally! The questions swarm around legislation or the lack of it. Frankly, I do not see real legislative reform enacted in this direction until Saturn in Aquarius is trine (supportive of) the US Mars in April of 2022.

Meanwhile, Trump and his minions continue to take a wrecking ball to the traditional Republican Party. For the first time, the corporate and banking giants, who have usually supported Republicans, are making public their resistance to new voter restriction laws, specifically the one enacted in Georgia. This is the “bottom Line” in politics. Without money, election victories are a distant memory. Trump’s false claim that he won the 2020 election still has resonance with his supporters, as he collects money from them on an ongoing basis and online “extremists” continue to simmer with anger and rage. Law suits against Trump will escalate this month, through early July, including the government’s investigation of his finances and tax returns. On June 10th, there is a Solar Eclipse conjunct Trump’s cluster of his North Node, Uranus, and Sun pointing to serious problems for him.


Pres. Biden has designated Vice Pres. Harris as the person to take on a major role in this most difficult problem. Without legislation to reform immigration laws, all they can do is limit or amplify numbers of people allowed into the nation. There are people already approved for entry into the nation from Europe, Africa, and Asia who have been held up because of the “freeze” on numbers, due to the attempt to stem all the “illegal” people coming in at our southern border from Central and South America. Gemini and Sagittarius are specific signs that rule this area. Mercury retrograde in Gemini square Neptune will only confuse and worsen the conflicts around this issue that are are particularly intense between now and July.

The Economy:

Growth, prosperity and a Bull Market is the name of the game early this month as Venus in Taurus is sextile Neptune and trine Pluto in the first week of May. Real estate sales will continue to grow as the Feds will not raise interest rates since unemployment will still be high. Many jobs lost in the pandemic will not return until small businesses regain traction and the infrastructure bill that will create millions of jobs is passed. The market has become too expensive. There will be less certainty, in general, generating fears around markets the last week of this month as Mercury is square Neptune and goes retrograde.

Education reform is badly needed in the US. Young people with recent college degrees, who have incurred massive debts that paid for their education, are finding it difficult to find employment. Our higher education system, in many ways, is still living in the 19th Century and not training people for the actual job market. More and more jobs are being eliminated by automation, which may be the biggest problem in the US and throughout the industrialized world.

What can we do?

If you are tech inclined, specialize in cyber security that will be an enormous growth area as we are fighting big hacking by Russia and China and various criminal cartels. Even if you graduate at the top of your class in finance and are hired by one of the big banks, they literally “work you to death” (as has recently been reported) in 100 hour a week jobs at minimal pay. As I have suggested in other newsletters, county and/or community colleges could offer an Associate Degree with a specialty in the trades (licensed plumbers, electricians, and builders) and courses to train people in business skills designed for entrepreneurship. People could get jobs in the national infrastructure rebuild at a decent wage. The Biden administration is currently talking with various coal and mining companies about helping them financially to close down and clean up their operations, and use government funding to re-educate their work force for jobs in clean energy. For the first time, they are listening.

I also think communities should think about investing in revamping real estate that will no longer be needed by shopping malls or office buildings. Many more people will telecommute from home, not needing to go into these offices. Because of online shopping on Amazon, malls have been declining and closing all over the nation. These ensuing abandoned locations could be used for low and mid income housing. I have often recommended to my clients whose charts support it and have the space, to buy a home with an apartment above their garage or in the basement to produce income that helps pay the mortgage.

Interestingly, the movie that won the Academy Award for best picture, best director, and best actress was “Nomadland”, which was based on a biographical book written by a woman who lost her husband, had little or no financial security, so set out in her van traveling over the nation’s highways, living in her vehicle, getting work wherever she could, and meeting others in a similar situation. They formed warmly supportive communities, gathering around fires, and helping each other to survive. Millions of people in the over-60 age group have no retirement, no savings, and only have their Social Security checks. It is a reminder of the epidemic of homelessness in this nation and the lack of wealth possessed by the 90%. It evokes memories of destitute men who hitched rides on American railroads during the Great Depression of the 1930s, cooking over campfires in the rail yards. History rhymes!

The Economic Giants:

I think we need to understand that US corporate giants and banks dominate the so-called global market place. They will do nearly anything to avoid taxation, which would help most people have an effective infrastructure and opportunity in a job market that these entities are looking to eliminate. They are monopolies that have “strong armed” competition out of existence. They have created the greenhouse gasses that are destroying the stability of climates throughout the world and the mountains of plastics that are destroying the ecology of our oceans.. Until the people who run or control these economic giants “see the light”, the majority of the human population will continue in an economic decline and climate catastrophes will continue to increase. There are a few billionaires who are beginning to comprehend this and seem to want to do something about it. China is the giant that is now competing with all this, creating a new “cold war” of territories and economies. As a nation, we need to face these facts. We need to envision new economic paradigms.

Foreign Relations:

Russia and The Ukraine – Ukraine’s chart (Dec. 1, 1991, 8:00 PM EET, Kiev, 30E31 50N26) contains heavy transits in Aquarius in their 7th House (enemies and borders) square their Natal Pluto in Scorpio. Russia’s chart is also being heavily activated with their squares (conflicts) between Aquarius and Scorpio. Russia has essentially no economy but oil and gas and wants to dominate pipelines and waterways that transport it. Recently, Putin has pulled back some of these troops on this border, even though relations are getting worse as they continue to build up a military presence there, challenging Ukraine’s alliance with the US. I have predicted crises with Russia in past newsletters and think this is very serious. Russia’s prior poisoning and suppression of dissenter Navalny who exposed Putin’s massive hidden wealth and corruption, and is at death’s door, has been a public relations disaster for Putin. However, Putin, now an absolute dictator, still has a lot of support, especially among those older citizens who remember the collapse of the Soviet Union and their economy. They view him as having made their country stronger. Although Russia renewed the nuclear disarmament treaty with the US., there are indicators they are still developing scary weaponry, as is the US.

China – Since the end of WWII, the US has supported the independent democratic government of Taiwan. Since the 1990s, many of our largest technological corporations have been manufacturing their chips there. China is now declaring, once again, that this island nation belongs to them. There is a serious danger that conflict may be at hand here. Major defense technology company, Raytheon, is receiving both private and public support for the weapons they are developing. This sends out a signal that we are ready for a military engagement.

Myanmar – The violent takeover of the military government there has resulted in thousands being shot down in the streets and chaos throughout the nation. I think that nations in the areas surrounding this country may come together to put pressure on the military government to restore sanity. China is providing them with weapons. The situation is dire. This needs to be addressed.

India – The Saturn/Uranus square is hitting the chart of this nation. Prime Minister Modi released the restrictions and shutdowns in his nation so he could expand his political campaigns. This was a deadly mistake. Over the years, India has not invested in its public health system and the majority of its population is very poor. The top economic tier of their society has not helped the nation as a whole. As as result, there has been a surge in COVID cases so great they have run out of hospitals, oxygen, vaccines, and even burial grounds. Pres. Biden recently announced he will send anti-viral medicine and vaccines to help out. Crises will continue to escalate here through the end of July.

Iran – Biden’s declared attempt to go back into the nuclear treaty signed during the Obama Administration will run into confusion this month and into June as Mercury retrogrades back and forth square Neptune. This will not resolve itself easily.

Afghanistan – We will continue to draw down troops there, but the presence of Neptune in this nation’s chart leaves us with confusion and no real assurance that the Taliban will not take over the government.

Science and Technology:

It was recently reported that Regeneron, an anti-viral medicine is effective against COVID. It has also been reported that 80% of our people over 65 years old (the highest risk group) have received vaccinations. The temporary halt of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine due to blood clots that appeared in 15 people, is being lifted. There are still fears around being vaccinated, but most people will move ahead this month to immunize a larger percentage of our population. I am concerned about the emergence of a new infection (connected to the transit of Mars in Virgo) that may present itself between August and September. Anti-virus medicine that may be more generally effective against a variety of virus, will take on more importance and research will grow and develop in this field.

The US now has a helicopter on Mars that is surveying the landscape and collecting invaluable information. Our space programs (Space X combined with NASA) will lead us into the Age of Aquarius with flying colors!


The last week of May through the first week of June, Mercury goes retrograde and is square Neptune. This points to high winds and serious storm activity. It is not a good time to travel by air, so make your plans accordingly. There also may be increased volcanic activity since afflictions to Neptune seem to point to these events.

Final Thoughts:

These are not ordinary times. Business as usual is not working. Too many of our historic coping mechanisms that have been crafted through the ages, including some religious beliefs, political ideals, and even modern psychological practices, do not resonate with many of us today. It does not mean that these systems within themselves have not worked in the past or lack validity. In my opinion, this means that the enormous globally spreading multiple of emergencies and the information that comes flooding toward us cannot be addressed with, as the Bible says,”Old Wine Skins”.

Nobody can do this alone. We are on a trajectory that requires a grand evolutionary leap in knowledge, wisdom and understanding – and we need to join hands and hearts together to do it. Hate will destroy us. Respect will unite us. Love will save us.



Important Points of Reference (for Astrologers):

New Moon at 21 degrees Taurus sextile Neptune and trine Pluto on May 11; Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Sagittarius May 26; Mercury goes retrograde (through June 2) square Neptune May 29; Jupiter goes into Pisces May 14 (through July 28 when it retrogrades back into Aquarius); Saturn goes retrograde square Uranus May 22; Mercury in Gemini is conjunct the North Node May 17 and is trine Saturn May 12, is square Neptune May 22, and goes retrograde May 29 (through June 22);Venus in Gemini is conjunct the North Node May 17, is trine Saturn May 18 and is square Neptune May 27; Mars in Cancer will sextile Uranus May 11, is inconjunct Saturn May 15, and is trine Neptune May 30.

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