March 2021

Neptune conjunct the Sun in Pisces – Drugs – Dreams – Divinities.

Neptune, the ancient God of the Seas, is the deity who dissolves all forms, erodes all structures, creates all weather, and inspires all the great dreams and creations in the universe. His ancient symbol is the Trident, wielder of storms, and combines with the symbol of Pisces – the two fish swimming in opposite directions, one downward into darkness and the other upward toward the light. He is, in a sense, the ruler of all possibilities and the eventual destroyer of all things. He knows everything and knows nothing. He is both unreality and all reality. He is the music of the spheres and total silence. He is the substance and intelligence out of which all life and creation manifests. He is endings and beginnings.

The Age of Pisces:

For approximately the past 2020 years, historic humanity has journeyed through the Pisces age, giving birth to great religions, creating wondrous works of poetry, art and music, inventing technologies beyond anything ever seen before, birthing the notion of “brotherly love,” equality of opportunity and dignity for all, and – manifesting massively destructive practices leading us to the edge of extinction of all life on earth.

While seeking Neptune’s ease and freedom from all pain, we are currently escaping into eating, gambling, shopping, and hoarding. We are killing ourselves with alcohol and drugs. We are killing each other with domestic terrorism and violent conflicts. Drowning in fear, we often turn to hating and blaming everyone else and everything else for our personal problems and collective fates. Mindless selfish human activities have created climate catastrophes that threaten to destroy land masses. Civil wars have been raging throughout the world. A terrible pandemic has stricken humanity in all nations.

It would seem that at the interface of the end of this age and the beginning of the new age we, as a species, are confronted with the monumental challenge: either evolve to a greater level of understanding and wisdom, or go out of existence!

Neptune went into the sign of Pisces in April of 2011 and will be present in this sign (its own sign) until January of 2026 when he will enter the sign of Aries. This is effectively the “last blast” of the Age of Pisces, giving us a chance to “get” what Pisces is all about – the good, the confusing, the terrible and the beautiful. He is currently opposing the natal Neptune in the US astrological chart, putting us and our democracy at the center of global conflicts and/or global reconciliations.

The US natal Neptune is in the sign of Virgo – the ideal of the “work ethic”, getting the job done, knowing what comprises health and creates disease, questions around how work is valued and compensated. This nation’s history has encompassed Virgo themes from its inception – built around an agricultural and slavery economy – to the Industrial Revolution’s use and abuse of the work force, to the rise of unions protection of workers’ rights, to the giant corporate assumption of power, to through automation, erasing the need for labor altogether. The dignity of work, public health, the right to a job (or not), the distribution of wealth, and the building and maintenance of public infrastructure are all Virgo themes.

The last time Neptune transited into Virgo, conjunct our natal Neptune, was in the 1930s during the Great Depression giving rise to the New Deal promised by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. In recent years, we have witnessed the basic collapse of most of the policies under Roosevelt, with notable exceptions being Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Unemployment Insurance. Our roads, bridges and highways, water systems, sewer systems, public education institutions are all threatened. As we are confronted with the combination of low wages, people fleeing municipal taxation, the aging of our population, and tax free money moved into in the accounts of the Wall Street billionaire class, we are left with little or no money to maintain or rebuild our national infrastructure.

Recent years, due to climate extremes, have brought us terrible blizzards, hurricanes and fires, destroying electrical and water infrastructures. Last month, under the first Saturn/Uranus square, Texans, in a giant snowstorm and deep freeze, lost their electricity and access to clean water due to an inadequate tax system that would have financed these necessities. The Pisces element is water – which is becoming scarce, polluted, flooding coastlines, and in need of intelligent management. A wise saying is “ignore your life supports and they will go away!” Neptune in Pisces is speaking to us. We need to come up with a new vision.

I can safely predict that all these issues are rising on the horizon and will be addressed between now and 2026. Through facing up to climate change, we may create clean energy infrastructures employing millions of people. We could revise our public education system to include entrepreneurship, the civics of democracy, skilled trades which could lead to long term employment, the sciences and technology. History needs to be presented in a way that is living, exciting, and comprehensible. Critical thinking and intelligent debate need to be in the forefront.

Instead of being subject to lies, cults, illusions, or evasion altogether, we need to come out of our collective coma. Once we are truly awake, the pathways to comprehensive changes will emerge, solving our crises and moving humanity into a greater spiritual understanding of its existence, recognizing that we are all of the same substance – that life on earth is sacred – that we are all inhabiting this miraculous manifestation together.


With Mars transiting into Gemini, Trump will be back raising money and making political appearances. He will have the effect of further fragmenting the Republican Party and there may be talk of his starting his own 3rd party. Legal challenges will present themselves to him in the courts. He will be facing serious crises in mid-April.

The economy:

As Mars transits Gemini (March 4th though April 23rd) there will be mixed messages and confusion surrounding financial markets and fiscal policies. Combined with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, new technologies will emerge and create a lot of talk on television and online. Markets should be high when Venus is sextile Pluto on March 18th. Between the 24th of April and the 1st of June, the real estate market will expand. Remember, in any case, that all real estate is local!

However, with the coming Uranus (in Taurus) square to Saturn (in Aquarius) some areas will see a down cycle, especially parts of the country whose infrastructure is faulty. As I mentioned above, in February, the severe cold and icy weather that hit Texas and parts of the South exposed problems as their electric grids and water systems went down. This square is exact the end of June through early July and again in December. The Internet, municipal electric grids, etc. will all be subject to weather related glitches and hacks and invasions. Money will have to be spent to repair these vital infrastructures and create effective cyber security systems. Meanwhile, our national debt ratio of debt to GDP is over 100%. Some economists say this is okay since interest rates are historically low and will likely stay there. Others think that the $22.5 trillion debt is unsustainable. Many say we cannot raise the GDP unless the Biden COVID emergency package is passed, enabling the nation’s economy to recover and expand. With some alterations, I believe this will pass.

Economically, we need to come to terms with the fact that China controls most of the essential raw materials chains i.e. copper, cobalt, lithium, and silver. Our massive technologies are dependent upon these “rare earths” and we need to invest in what we can mine here in the US. It is reported that China produces – 70% of the world’s solar panels, 50% of the world’s electric vehicles, 30% of the world’s windmills, and is the biggest battery producer. However, China and India are still the worst polluters as they still depend heavily upon coal to produce their energy. This illustrates how important it is to eventually set up nuclear fusion plants since all the current “green” energy cannot currently replace fossil fuels.

Science and Technology:

It was recently reported that Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates will be backing Commonwealth Fusion – the company in Cambridge Massachusetts that I have been reporting on for a number of years. Nuclear fusion, in my opinion, will be the major solution to climate change and the ability to produce infinite amounts of energy with no pollution. Four major sites (in France, Germany, Switzerland and the US) have “ignition” and will likely be using Commonwealth’s infrastructure to implement all this.

Last month, a 7.3 earthquake hit Japan near the Fukushima nuclear plant that was torn apart in the great earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011. This recent quake was felt in Tokyo. The plant is still leaking radioactive particles into the Pacific Ocean. This catastrophe would suggest we need to have a plan to eventually get rid of the nuclear fission plants around the world. It will not be easy since so many millions are dependent upon these plants to deliver their electricity. Worse still, we do not know what to do with the toxic waste.

We are still awaiting vaccines for COVID to be delivered. To make the mRNA vaccines, the machines devised to deal with the lipid nano-particles are in short supply and must be manufactured quickly. Things will move faster this month. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine based on a modified cold virus does not need these machines. Over 500,000 people have lost their lives to the virus.

The Mars Probe sent out by the UAE is now sending back pictures of the surface of the planet. The NASA Perserverance rover landing will also be sending back huge amounts of data as our understanding of what happened on Mars to end life there will be expanding. Our journey to land humans on Mars will be moving quickly as private/public partnerships to make this happen are successful. New and exciting announcements will be made this month as to the multiple projects involving knowledge about both the Moon and Mars and stations from multiple nations that may be established there. Star Trek is becoming a reality!


The transit of Mars (revolution) in Gemini (March 3 through April 22), combining with a long transit of Mercury (communication) in Gemini (May 4 through July 11) will expose China as a ruthless military state. These transits will also activate the chart of No. Korea, complicating their foreign alliances and policies. China is technically an “ally” of No. Korea but they strongly dislike their ongoing isolation and build-up of nuclear arsenals. The Biden administration will take a strong stand against policies of both nations.

Final Thoughts:

In these times that present us with so much loss and sadness – and the planets seem to spin in their orbits – marking our fateful journey with silence – I turn to the great poets, graced by Neptune, for an understanding of that which surpasses ordinary understanding.

The Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) in the last verse of his famous poem “And Death Shall Have No Dominion” writes:

“And death shall have no dominion,
No more may gulls cry at their ears,
Or waves break loud on the seashores;
Where blew a flower, may a flower no more
Lift its head to the blows of the rain;
Though they be made and dead as nails,
Heads of the characters hammer through daisies;
Break in the sun till the sun breaks down,
And death shall have no dominion.”

As the Vernal Equinox, once again opens the arms of Spring to us all, may we remember that life does embrace the earth each year and, with a grand and mysterious generosity, gives us another chance!

Blessings to all,


Important Points of Reference (for Astrologers:)
New Moon at 23 degrees Pisces conjunct Neptune and Venus on March 13; Full Moon at 8 degrees Libra opposition Mercury and inconjunct Uranus on March 28; Mars goes into Gemini on March 4th (and is there through April 22) and is trine Saturn March 21; Mercury in Aquarius is trine and sextile the Lunar Nodes on March 2; Mercury is conjunct Jupiter March 4; Venus in Pisces is sextile Pluto on March 18; Mercury in Pisces is conjunct Neptune March 29 and is sextile Pluto on March 31.

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