January 2021


The US Presidential Inauguration Chart:
January 20, 2021
12:00 PM EST
Washington, DC
77W02 38N54
( Note: This is a chart with all the planets lined up on one side of the Nodal Axis pointing to an intense and “fated” historic expression. The Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct and square a Mars/Uranus conjunction in the imprisoned and/or hospitalized 12th House along with a void-of-course Moon. The Nodes are in Gemini and Sagittarius suggesting new ideas, values, and the extreme importance of communication with Mercury trine and sextile these nodes while Neptune is square this axis. The looming question will be: Are we wounded, trapped, confused or enlightened? )

The Pandemic:
We cannot discuss this most important event without recognizing the global pandemic and ensuing economic depression that has subsumed our lives and frequently threatened our collective existence. Under the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, we are entering a new era, but are still trying to pull ourselves up and out of the old one. Our nation is fractured, angry, depressed, and disillusioned with a political discord not seen since the Civil War. The emergence of effective vaccines will work and will continue throughout the year, but a percentage of our population that still believes the virus is a “hoax” and refuses to cooperate with any and all government proposals, will delay our nation’s “recovery.” Mars is transiting Taurus until early March and will move over Uranus and square (conflict) Jupiter and Saturn Jan. 7th through the 24th. These configurations suggest a “surge” in the spread of the virus. They also suggest an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. My take on vaccines is that the general public will start getting them en mass on or around Feb. 21st when Mercury goes direct in Aquarius.

Challenges in the Presidency:
This inauguration chart suggests all of these crises, past and future, with Pluto conjunct the MC, but Pluto also signifies a rebirth accompanied by waves of changes that are historically significant. Venus in the 9th House of global discourse is sextile Neptune and is trine the Ascendant demonstrating the importance of women in positions of power and influence in this administration and the restoration of our connection to the United Nations, the Global Climate Accord, NATO, and our allies abroad. Sun/Saturn suggests health problems with President Biden that may interrupt his time in office. The year 2023 contains a series of aspects that are suggestive possibly, that Vice President Kamala Harris may be the first female president in our history. Her astrological chart (Oct. 20, 1964, 9:28 PM, Oakland, California) is being supported by both Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (frameworks), but with Pluto square her Sun and Moon in 2022, her tasks will weigh very heavily on her psyche and challenge her strength and will.

The Economy:
The Taurus/Aquarius squares (conflicts) suggest monumental economic and financial problems that are so severe that many jobs lost in the pandemic may not come back. Even before the pandemic began, nearly 50% of this nation’s population were living at or below the poverty line. I have written extensively in previous newsletters about the huge gap between Main Street and Wall Street. This is becoming more and more evident. In addition, we now know that people of color are disproportionately poor and getting sick and dying at greater rates than whites. Homelessness is at an all-time high. The COVID pandemic has brought all this into focus and we can no longer turn away.

Government, corporate, and private credit card debt is at an all time high. The dollar is weakening. We are staring a collective bankruptcy in the face! To avoid all this, the government will initiate collaborative efforts with corporations and banks to create what many are calling the “great financial reset.” This will include moving toward an all digital dollar. The whole definition of banking is about to change.

Interestingly, hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio has publicly shown alarm at inequality and the huge wealth gaps in our economy, saying that “the state of the capitalism economy must change.” Billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have expressed this alarm and various commitments to solutions. However, corporate giants have been hiring cheap foreign workers for years, especially in technology. One helpful policy instigated by the Trump administration was to revoke their visas, especially in tech, which have displaced American workers since the early 1990s. There are rumors that the Biden administration may restore these visas, which would be a mistake. Millionaire entrepreneur, Andrew Yang, who ran for president in 2020 and proposed an “income for life” for all Americans, and wants to create new jobs is running for Mayor of New York City in 2021. This would suggest that capitalism can work together with government financed public safety nets.

The Biden administration will strive to improve health care, increase financing for public education, and create new “green energy” jobs to raise the collective standard of living, but will run into obstructions erected by Republicans. For some time now, I have stressed the development of nuclear fusion as the great solution to “infinite energy with no pollution.” The magic year for all this coming together is 2026. The problem at this time will be to move the oil and gas corporations into battery technology, solar, wind, and fusion. These companies have not been profitable in recent years and need financial persuasion and incentives to move into the new energy matrix.

In spite of financial downturns this month, I expect that the stock market will continue to expand for two primary reasons. First, interest rates will likely remain at historic lows continuing to move people’s money (retirement accounts) out of bonds and savings accounts into real estate and financial markets. Second, technology companies and shares will continue to expand. Aquarius Age scientific and technological breakthroughs will continue to grow exponentially. There will be “corrections” from time to time, but money that is held and moved by giant investment funds will keep money in shares that sometimes do not even show profits as “good faith” and optimism in the future of tech. A recent example of this is the huge expansion in Tesla stock without the company showing profits.

Cyber Wars:
For many years, in my newsletters and books, I have stressed the profound necessity of developing effective cyber security systems and have encouraged young people to major in this subject in college. The recent discovery and revelation of the giant Russian “hack” into US government agencies (supposedly protected by Solar Winds- Orion software defense systems) demonstrates the urgent message that government and corporate computers are all at risk. China “hacked” into the giant corporate data bases of credit giant Equifax and The Marriott Hotels just a few years ago. We are basically being confronted with 21st Century CYBER MERCENARIES, who threaten not only the US but other nations throughout the world. The Saturn/Uranus square in 2021 points to actual threats to our entire digital and electrical infrastructure.

Even more scary is the recently discovered pulse microwave energy weapon that Russia seems to have directed toward US diplomats. This started in 2016 in Havana and moved to other locations within the past four years, making diplomats and their families seriously ill with brain and neurological damage.

Saturn transiting through Aquarius square Uranus in 2021 and 2022 reminds us of the difficult aspects of Saturn in Aquarius that occurred in the astrological chart of Russia in 1991-1993. This era marked the historic collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia is an extremely poor nation with its only exportable products being oil and gas. The age of fossil fuels is coming to an end. The nation’s financial assets are primarily in the hidden bank deposits of Putin and his oligarchs and not distributed among its citizens. Putin is “out for revenge”. All this may push us into a serious cyber war that could extend into our outer space satellite infrastructure. From the end of May through the middle of July of 2021, Saturn is square Uranus, and Mercury (both retrograde and direct) is square Neptune, symbolizing espionage and communication disruptions. The Biden administration needs to assemble top notch personnel to deal with all this.

Communication and Education:
With the current North Node in Gemini, supported by Jupiter and Saturn, there will be an enormous push to expand education throughout the US, both for young people and ongoing training for adults. There will be creative ways to finance all this and will be part of a package of expansionary measures to make education affordable. This will all be part of a program emphasized by the Democrats to create a more equal playing field in an economy that currently works only for the upper 10%.

Health Care:
The Biden administration will attempt to “fix” certain aspects of The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). This will be difficult since Neptune in Pisces confuses the issue. However, In 2022, Jupiter goes into Pisces bringing along with it a hope for improving access to healthcare.

Final Thoughts:
For about the past 20 years, I have expressed genuine concerns about the future of human civilization and the continuation of life on our planet. Economic structures that are destroying the climate and many species of life, moving most people into poverty and destitution while lining the bank accounts of the super rich who are escaping appropriate taxation, failing infrastructures, civil wars and corrupt politics all have been contributing to our descent into darkness. The current pandemic has actually helped us to face these issues which have previously been ignored through various means of “escape” into drugs or “alternate realities.”

As the Aquarius planetary patterns introduce this new age, I feel a “new frequency” – an awakening of both a heart felt compassion and authentic understanding, showing us what needs to be done. We may now be moving toward a new elevated human potential traveling toward our eyes at the speed of light. The recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn seen in the night sky has been compared to the “Star of Bethlehem” that, 2000 years ago, ushered in the Age of Pisces.

Put on your sunglasses and let’s get moving!

Happy New Year and Blessings to All!


Important points of reference (for astrologers):
New Moon at 23 degrees Capricorn Conjunct Pluto Jan. 13; Full Moon at 9 degrees Leo is on Jan. 28; Mercury is conjunct Pluto Jan. 4 and is square Mars Jan. 8; Mercury enters Aquarius Jan. 8 square Mars, is trine and sextile the lunar nodes Jan 20, goes retrograde Jan. 30, (goes direct Feb. 20 and all the way through the sign by March 15); Mars in Aquarius is square Saturn Jan. 12 and is square Jupiter Jan. 22; Venus in Capricorn is sextile Neptune Jan. 23 and is conjunct Pluto Jan. 28.

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