The Soothe Sayer

Linda Schurman, Astrologer - Editor and Publisher ........ 856-874-1651

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

- Hamlet by Shakespeare

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(The Lunar Eclipse on September 18th at 25 degrees Pisces is opposite the US Neptune and square its Mars. The Lunar Eclipse on October 2 at 10 degrees Libra is conjunct with the US Saturn, square its Sun/Jupiter/Venus conjunction.)

Right before this most important presidential election, these two eclipses are making important contacts with the astrological chart of the USA (July 4, 1776, 5:10 PM LMT, Philadelphia, PA 75W09 39N57). The degree descriptions are amazingly appropriate as the two candidates circle the wagons around each other, slinging verbal jabs, fighting for votes, outlining what they will do if elected, and making promises they may or may not be able to keep.

It is important to remember that conditions around the world – the global economy and resources, climate catastrophes, many nations engaged in self-destructive wars, leaders being thrown out of office, and governments collapsing – were neither designed nor controlled by either candidate. It is simply a matter of luck, good or bad, regarding what issues each future president has to face. It is more important to note a person’s personal history, political perspectives, relevant experience, and strength of character to handle whatever he/she is dealt.

The Sabian Degree symbol for 25 degrees Pisces is described as: “A king contemplates the battlefield by the light of the new moon, while ministers of differing temperaments give him conflicting advice.” The Sabian Degree symbol for 10 degrees Libra is described as: “After showing a film in class, a kindly old professor peers over his bifocals and opens a discussion of the film’s meaning, illustrating various points with episodes from his own life.” These interpretations are from The Zodiac by Degrees” by Martin Goldsmith. I would leave it to your imagination as to what image fits which candidate.

Donald Trump’s Chart was formed on June 14, 1948, 10:54 AM EDT, Jamaica, NY, 73W48 40N41.

Kamala Harris’s Chart was formed on Oct. 20, 1965, 9:28 PM PDT, Oakland, CA, 122W16, 37N49.

Election Day: Nov. 5, 2024, 9:00 AM EST, Washington, DC, 77W02, 38N54.

Birth Chart for the USA (Sibly Chart): July 4, 1776, 5:10 PM LMT, Philadelphia, PA, 75W09, 39N57

My fellow astrologers are going to be studying these horoscopes to gain insights into this most important election and attempt to translate these ancient symbols into meaningful insights concerning our future. The US is the leading power in the world, militarily, economically, culturally, and ideologically. Whether we are hopelessly divided or able to come together as a successful Democracy is of the utmost importance. The direction it takes will most probably affect the future of human civilization.

It is thought by many that this may be one of the most consequential elections in US history and, to astrologers, it reflects the US Pluto return and transiting Neptune opposing the US Neptune. I have described these placements previously in my books and newsletters since 2007 as the Second American Revolution, rising climate catastrophes, and the Dark Night of the Soul in America. The ancient embedded ills in both human history and American history and their “abusers of power” have been dredged up and painfully exposed by Pluto, and our mythic religious idealism has been flooded and confused by Neptune.

America, by being a landing place for immigrants from all over the globe, reflects and encompasses humanity as a whole, frequently offending people who lay claim to its white, Protestant, Christian, northern European colonial origins — who, we cannot forget, were African slave owners, and who moved to commit mass genocide on the Native Americans who lived here originally.

However, these same founding fathers – a collection of some of the most brilliant men of their time – formed a Republic with Democratic elections, a Constitution with a separation of powers, and a Bill of Rights that remain possibly the most advanced governing documents in history. By suggesting a government “by and for the People” it broke the traditions of heavily armed monarchs and dictators who, by killing off any competition, had ruthlessly run the world and its empires for centuries. When George Washington refused the invitation to become “King” and, instead insisted on being an “elected” president, King George of England proclaimed that he might go down in history as one of the greatest men who ever lived.

In 2008, with the transit of Pluto from Sagittarius into Capricorn, and the great “crash” on Wall Street initiating a major recession, we elected the first black President, Barak Obama. We have created the “Me Too” movement, uncovering the abuses of women through the ages and renewing women’s rights to be equal citizens and control their reproductive rights. The “Rainbow Coalition” of LGBTQ persons has organized to ensure their equal rights and privileges as citizens. We have witnessed the “Black Rights Matter” movement that exposed how police are disproportionately arresting and killing people of color throughout the nation. Simultaneously, black people, gay people, Muslims, and women are getting elected to offices and rising in power, resisting the age-old attempts to suppress them economically and socially. To many people, this is a “culture shock”, resulting in the age-old human tendency to react with frustration and anger to those who are “different” or seen as “the other”. The need is emerging to come together as human beings – united in the values of respect, kindness, consideration, and a willingness to listen to each other’s different points of view. Democracy depends on it.

If you don’t believe this, just look squarely at Russia, Iran, China, Syria, Venezuela, and No. Korea is controlled by ruthless dictators who suppress their people, and project a willingness to launch terror and wars to extend their territories and economic power. This encompasses terror groups like ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah, who have overwhelmed governments in struggling nations in the Middle East and who started the Israeli/Hamas war. This includes a huge swath of African nations that are now “failed states” controlled by military militias who are committing mass genocide on their people.

Perhaps the biggest reason for all this American discontent has been the emergence of a giant bank-backed, corporate monopoly-dominated economic inequality in America that is the worst since the monopoly-driven “Gilded Age” in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Throughout history, populist revolutions have primarily been driven by the enormous financial gaps between the elite rich and everybody else. However, if you look back at the populist French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and the Chinese Revolution, you will observe historically, that their historic leaders were replaced by worse leaders – not a good track record!

TRUMP, who through most of his life was a high profile real estate billionaire, whose real estate empire was inherited from his father. He is famous for his multiple “bankruptcies” and known for the use of clever lawyers to escape the consequences. He has had three marriages and has five children, his first wife, Ivana, and his second wife, Melania, both immigrants. Melania was First Lady, while he was in office. He ran for president and defeated Secy. Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, showcasing himself as a “populist”. Although historically not particularly religious, he associated himself with fundamental protestants, white supremacists, and social conservatives who feel their cultural beliefs have been “attacked” — as immigration has surged from other nations into the country and multi-racial, multi-ethnic people are perceived as “taking over” their positions. He supported a violent insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, to overthrow the results of the 2020 election. This has all developed alongside women moving into powerful positions and the emergence of LGBTQ demanding their rights.

As President of the US from 2017 to 2021, he has already stated that if he is re-elected, he will be “dictator on day one.” Trump has previous positive connections with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Il and he is friendly with other autocrats around the world. He had vowed to remove women’s abortion rights and kept his promise to put justices into the Supreme Court who overturned Roe v Wade. He wants to continue to lower taxes on billionaires, that, while he was in office created the biggest budget deficits in our history. He imposed tariffs on China (which Biden has retained) and was successful in getting powerful Middle Eastern nations to “recognize” Israel. When the Pandemic broke, he claimed that it was all “a hoax created by the Democrats.” This delayed progress in fighting the virus.

He has stated that he will get rid of government entities like the Dept. of Education, the Dept of Justice, and the FBI. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that he has immunity while in office, there is no longer a “rule of law” that would apply to him if he should become president again. He continually claims that he won the 2020 election, even though every court case brought to trial ruled that the election was valid. He fills his speeches stoking hate toward anybody he sees as a rival or who disagrees with him, including his former VP Mike Pence. His current VP pick, extremely right-wing J D Vance, openly states he wants to make abortion illegal in all the states and eliminate the “No Fault” divorce law. Vance has served in Congress and served in the military service. He made a major flub in a previous interview for criticizing “childless cat ladies”, since two of the most popular women in the US, Dolly Parton and Taylor Swift, fit this description.

Ironically, Trump is a card-carrying member of the billionaire class who has contributed to an economy in the US that is the most unequal between the rich and everyone else in history. He is a convicted felon and suffered numerous losses in courts of law that he claims are “run by the Democrats.” Currently, the “stealing top secret documents case” lodged against him has been shut down by the presiding judge in Florida. With the Supreme Court ruling that a president has “immunity”, it will be hard to continue prosecuting this case. Other presidents have also actually taken documents after leaving office, but, unlike Trump, did not refuse to return them. He currently has stated he would not continue supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia and would strongly support meaningful tariffs on all products made outside the US. All this is public knowledge informing the American public of his positions and views. Trump is now 78 years old.

HARRIS was a Public Defender, a prosecutor, the Attorney General of California, a US Senator, and Vice President of the US under Pres. Joe Biden. She is the daughter of immigrants: a mother from India who was a medical scientist and a leading researcher in breast cancer, and a black father from Jamaica who was an economist. Her husband, Doug Imhoff, a California attorney, is Jewish, and she is stepmother to his two children. She is the first woman of color to be nominated for president by a major party.

During her tenure as Vice President, Pres. Biden has successfully passed, with Harris’ help, more broadly beneficial legislation than any president in US history in his one term but, because of his age of 81 years, his poor performance in the presidential debate in June, and frail health, he has bowed out from running for a second term. His biggest mistake was how he withdrew from Afghanistan, ironically, a deal that Trump had already made before he left office.

Harris got off to a rough start as VP in that she seemed impatient, abrupt, and lacking in information. She was not well-liked by the public and did not come across well in the media when Biden assigned her to investigate the problem of border immigration, about which she was unable to do anything. However, the US Senate passed, with the approval of both parties and Pres. Biden, the strictest immigration bill in history, but the Republican-controlled House refused to pass it at Trump’s instruction. She is an ardent supporter of women retaining their reproductive rights and supports legislation restoring abortion rights across America. She has changed her position on “fracking” now that energy costs have risen on a worldwide basis because of the sanctions on Iran and Russia due to the wars in Ukraine and Palestine/Israel, and the need has risen to make the US “energy independent.”.

Harris has effectively “reinvented herself.”She has worked hard, campaigned effectively for the Democrats, especially on the issue of women’s reproductive rights, and projected a fresh new image of courage, energy, youth, and determination to pass the Democrats’ agenda. When Biden bowed out, she emerged immediately “out of the gate” to run for President and managed to strongly unite the Democrats around her, raising record amounts of campaign money, even though this party is often, historically, at odds with itself. Her choice for VP, Tim Walz, Gov. of Minnesota, former school teacher, football coach, and who served in the military, has passed popular liberal programs and won in strongly Republican districts. She will move forward with Biden’s agenda, supporting Ukraine and Israel, and further implement economic policies concerning employment, education, and healthcare, which she says, will benefit workers and the middle class. Her background as a prosecutor, she states, will help her “fight the likes” of Donald Trump. She will be 60 years old in October.

I could write endlessly about the astrological configurations surrounding the natal charts of these two candidates for president. The astrological community is already presenting its analysis, opinions, and excellent historical references, but very few are willing to go out on a limb and choose who will win.

There are no “absolutes” in astrology. I could have died multiple times as tough transits swept across my natal chart. I have known numerous friends and clients who have overcome so many odds and somehow survived difficult planetary transits. Others have simply, “called it a day” and moved on to the other side of life. I have seen very fortunate charts of people who have done very little with their gifts and others who have made much out of very little. The ability to choose is the most mysterious and most precious gift given to all of us.

History has taught us that when a candidate has a planet or angle conjunct with the US Moon at around 27 degrees Aquarius, he/she has an advantage. Trump has his part of fortune in 28 degrees Aquarius and Kamala Harris has her Saturn at 28 degrees of Aquarius. This is a “tie” in advantage. Interestingly, I have noticed in recent years that notable suns in Gemini have been in positions of power, i.e. former Prime Minister of the UK, Boris Johnson, former Pres. Donald Trump, Ji Jin Ping (Premier of China), Vladimir Putin whose Moon is in Gemini, and now, Kamala Harris whose Ascendant and North Node is in Gemini. The current transit of Jupiter (expansion) in Gemini highlights both Trump and Harris, another tie advantage.

Saturn’s current transit in Pisces is square to Trump’s North Node and later to his Sun. This placement is opposition Uranus, Pluto, and Venus, and later square the ascendant in Harris’ chart, pointing to a tough time ahead for both, but Harris has that Saturn trine (favorable) to her Neptune and sextile to her progressed Jupiter lending an advantage. Her progressed Sun is trine her natal Saturn from her 7th House, pointing to her choosing of her Vice President-elect wisely. Her progressed Moon is sextile her Uranus in November, the ruler of her house of career, another advantage.

Trump’s choice of J.D. Vance has been an unwise one for him and he may have “buyer’s remorse.” More importantly, the big negatives for Trump are transiting Uranus (chaos and upheaval) in his 10th House of Career, square his Mars and Ascendant, and Neptune in Pisces and Pluto (back in Capricorn at election time), both inconjunct his Ascendant. These transits indicate danger to his health and safety. However, this same transit in Harris’ 12th House of Secrets is inconjunct with her progressed Mercury, possibly revealing something she does not want the world to know. On election day, the all-important transiting Moon goes from Sagittarius (earlier in the day) to Capricorn (later in the day) helpfully sextile Harris’ MC and Mercury. Venus in Sagittarius is positive in both Trump’s chart and Harris’ chart. This will be a close election, but I think the advantage will be with Harris.

Mars transits Cancer: September 4 – Nov. 4 and again from Jan. 6 through April 16.

The US chart contains Venus, Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury in the sign of Cancer. This sign is associated with concerns about protecting its original nation or “tribe” against what it perceives as threats and incursions against what it perceives as its “own”. This works when there is a genuine threat to a nation’s unity and existence. It worked in the Civil War and WW II. Since we are a nation of immigrants, multi-racial and multi-ethnic, it polarizes us against each other to our detriment.

I am concerned about attempts by Trump supporters and armed militias to subvert this election both through the use of sabotaging appointed “electors” and even violence perpetrated at the polls. Between Nov. 1st and 3rd, Mars (war) will oppose Pluto (power) (right on the Mercury/Pluto opposition in the US chart) precipitating an array of crises, even a terror attack, immediately preceding this election and continuing into the Spring of 2025. Ironically, this transit is “favorable” to Pres. Biden’s astrological chart will help him to modify these dangerous conditions. There will also likely be severe weather conditions making it difficult for people to get to the polls. I recommend voting by mail wherever it is possible.

The Economy:

There are many aspects of the economy that “contradict” each other. I think the Feds will lower interest rates, helping people finance loans and housing. The bad news is that companies will likely be “downsizing” and unemployment may rise slightly. Mars in Cancer between September 5 and Nov. 3 will likely produce storms and major flooding events, fueling the already heating up hurricane season. Jupiter in Gemini, as I have previously suggested, fuels hurricanes and tornadoes. The last time Jupiter was in this sign was in 2012 when we experienced Hurricane Sandy.

What is too seldom discussed is that insurance companies are starting to deny homeowners insurance in the most threatened parts of the country and generally raising rates for everybody else. Car insurance has gone up because if you are in an accident, the parts in newer high-tech vehicles have doubled or tripled in price. This is all highly inflationary. Things look tough, investors will be cautious and stocks may slide. However, the stock markets may recover in November. We need to remember that our whole economy, including corporations, private individuals, and governments are all financed by gigantic amounts of debt. This is why interest rates need to remain low.

The affordable housing crisis is the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Based on the Pluto (finance) in Aquarius positions this year and next year, I think new “green” housing will be constructed out of brick and cement. Projects will have financing coming from a combination of entities – nonprofit agencies, governments, and private companies – all of which will make decent housing both affordable and sustainable. I will explore this most important breakthrough in the coming newsletters.

August’s stock market sell-off was in part stimulated by Japan’s stock market crash. Japan’s troubles will continue in September and October, improve in November, and be in trouble again in January. On Feb. 23, Mars goes direct, square Neptune, and later Venus and Jupiter (April 28, 1952, 1:30 PM GMT, Tokyo, Japan). They will likely have a high risk of earthquakes and tsunamis, especially in March/April 2025. Japan is our ally and leading trading partner.

Another dilemma is the cost of energy. The Israeli/Hamas war in the Middle East has resulted in oil tankers being attacked in the Red Sea. The war in Ukraine has resulted in the sanctioning of Iranian and Russian oil. Thus, prices have gone up all over the globe which is, in part, what is behind inflation. The US, the world’s “gas giant” has been able, to an extent, to be “energy independent.” This issue is highly complex.

As we go into 2025/26, the US will have to face one of our biggest dilemmas – without fossil fuels, our economy will collapse. With the continued use of fossil fuels, the livable global climate will collapse. Great achievements such as nuclear fusion and fuel-free vehicles will accelerate in the next two years as the slow-moving planets change signs. These topics will be discussed in future newsletters.


In my books and previous newsletters, I have discussed the probability of escalating wars in the MIDDLE EAST. The US is already sending its formidable military fleets into the region to counteract drone attacks being launched by Iran’s ally, Yemen… If Iran thinks it can take on the US, it is tragically mistaken. Syria, another “enemy” of the US is bankrupt from its Civil War, and its leader, Assad, has already massacred hundreds of thousands of his people. Iran, which has been subsidizing terrorists against the US and Israel, is struggling to keep itself together as there are rebels within. Lebanon, inhabited by Hezbollah, is already at war with Israel, supporting Hamas. Israel’s Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is pursuing this war relentlessly, until all hostages are returned and even then, does not seem to want a “two-state solution”, supported by the US, in the region. He has killed over 40,000 Palestinians, assassinated two Hamas military leaders, and stimulated Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Palestine, and Iran’s government – all to escalate attacks on Israel. He is at odds with most of the world on this issue. Netanyahu is not popular in Israel and the Mars in Cancer is unfriendly to his Aries/Libra natal chart. There is another eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2nd in his chart, as the one-year anniversary of this war presents itself. He may begin to lose control. This situation will get even worse before it gets better!

The war in UKRAINE is a tough situation, with Ukraine holding its own with the help of the US and other NATO nations. They announced in August that they received the valued F-16s and are now trained to use them. They are currently moving their forces across a border into Russia. Russia has already sent over 300,000 men to the front. Their store of military weapons, although formidable, is being depleted. They are currently allied with Iran and Syria, but they are not in a position to help. Putin is eagerly awaiting the US presidential election, hoping Trump will win. If Harris wins, he will likely try to make a deal with Ukraine.


September and October astrologically are showing severe storms and hurricanes developing, coming up the East Coast of the US. The current transit of Jupiter in Gemini was last in this sign in 2012 – 2013 when we witnessed Hurricane Sandy, one of the worst hurricanes in the Atlantic region ever. Up to now, the biggest hurricanes have been in the Pacific.

Warning and a Reminder:

Cyber security is an existential problem as we all now live in a digital world. On Tom’s Guide News on Aug. 5th, it was reported: “The personal data of 2.9 billion people, which includes full names, former and complete addresses going back 30 years, Social Security numbers, and more, was stolen from National Public Data by a cybercriminal group that goes by the name Usdod. The complaint goes on to explain that the hackers then tried to sell this huge collection of personal data on the dark web to the tune of $13.5 million.

The emergence of AI into the public domain is “out of control” in that it can produce information that is misleading or incorrect. Currently, there are essentially no regulations or overseers to correct these problems. This and the major need for expanded cyber security, in general, will comprise huge and necessary decisions as we go into 2025.

Scientific Information and Breakthroughs:

Published in ECO News on July 14, an article by DF. Garcia posted that report: “The first engine in history without cylinders or pistons: It should not run, and it turns on its own without fuel.” It goes on to say: “The Omega 1 Engine can be described as a revolutionary invention that offers an exception to the ordinary internal combustion engine design. Omega 1 is designed with electromagnetic fields and a rotating rotor only.” The article goes on to report: “This engine’s design consists of a central rotor that rotates in a stator assembly which is surrounded by other rotors. A liquid fuel is continuously injected and burned in a combustion chamber to create a region of high pressure and high temperature, which is called plasma.” They claim that the Omega 1 engine could run on different fuels including normal hydrocarbons, bio-fuels, or even hydrogen. I would recommend reading this article in that it suggests plasma could replace cylinders and pistons, which is a revolutionary leap forward.

Published in the July/August Issue of Scientific American, an article entitled “The Quantum Observer” was presented by Annil Anathaswamy. It reports: One of the most confounding concepts to emerge from the cauldron of early 20th-century physics was the idea that quantum objects can exist in multiple states simultaneously. A particle could be in many places at once, for example. The math and experimental results were unequivocal about it. And it seemed that the only way for a particle to go from such a ‘superposition’ of states to a single state was for someone or something to observe it, causing the superposition to ‘collapse.’ This bizarre situation raised profound questions about what constitutes an observation or even an observer. Does an observer merely discover the outcome of a collapse or cause it? Is there even an actual collapse? Can an observer be a single photon, or does it have to be a conscious human being?” This raises the question of whether or not a quantum “observer” has to be a human being or a machine and would the machine “influence” the behavior of the object. This article is worth reading in its totality if you want your brain to be “tweaked” and your perceptions to be “stretched” beyond the ordinary. Beam me up, Einstein!

Posted on July 25, in “Wired” an article by Sandra Upson entitled “How Soon Might the Atlantic Ocean Break?”, describes the decades-long research publication by the brother/sister team (Gemini?) Peter and Suzanne Ditlevsen; a brilliant climate scientist and a mathematician point to how the Atlantic gigantic weather-producing current system could be headed for collapse. They predict that the year for this “tipping point” is: 2057. This article is extensive and comprehensive and I would suggest going online and reading it in its totality. The immediate need to eliminate fossil fuels, especially methane gas, is pushing us forward into the green revolution since the alternative is an absolute catastrophe.

I am reminded that the energy we are “burning” for AI and the burning of coal to create Crypto Currency are increasing exponentially and also moving us further into the climate danger zone! This is all scary and further pushes us either into “denial” or fast-moving solutions, like nuclear fusion. As I am writing this newsletter, the California Park Fire has consumed over 5,000 acres of forest per hour and forest fires are raging in Oregon and Canada. China is experiencing historic floods and landslides throughout the nation, destroying crops, devastating their economy, and causing thousands to flee their homes.

Final Thoughts:

As an astrologer, I am continually observing the movements of the planets through the constellations that symbolize how we are all moving through our individual and collective “stories.” We are sometimes seemingly “fated” to repeat the past and/or create the future through our array of responses within the context of humanity’s journey. My take on all this, as I have stated frequently before, is that we are at a historic juncture where we have a clear choice: extinction or evolution.

The powerful, slow-moving planets (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn) are all entering and moving through new signs starting in 2025 – 2026, initiating brand new cycles, offering up energy, optimism, major scientific breakthroughs, and generational shifts with new points of view. If we do not blow ourselves up, we will likely move up — and out of our present, seemingly hopeless, condition – traveling to new realms of experience intellectually, materially, and spiritually.

Our newest friend, Hal, the computer better known as AI, requires of us the perspective of a wise adult, knowing this is a tool, not a living entity that threatens to take us over. Mechanistic materialism cannot be the “controlling viewpoint” of our civilization. We need to recognize that the whole universe may be made up of a divine, conscious substance that creates and includes all of us – that recognizing and expanding consciousness, rather than turning ourselves over to machines, will determine the future.

Albert Einstein said: “Either nothing is a miracle or everything is a miracle. I choose to believe the latter.” Human compassion, creativity, and spiritual insight magically emanate only from us — if we so choose.

I choose!


Book Review from June/July 2018 Edition of The Mountain Astrologer

Our Choice: Extinction or Evolution by Richard Spitzer and Linda Schurman, Soothe Script Publishing LLC, Ithaca, NY, 2017. Softcover – 130 pp. $9.95 (ISBN 9781513626277. Available from Amazon.

The authors of this up-to-date book combine their skills of astrological forecasting and data macro-analysis.  The Astrologer, Linda Schurman, is a long-time forecaster with experience in corporations and financial service companies. (TMA readers may be familiar with her monthly newsletter posted on her website,  The Analyst, Richard Spitzer, worked for many years as an executive in global business firms, and has developed a new “predictive analytics” methodology for macroeconomic trends.”  They are each steeped in their respective fields, cognizant of, and undaunted by multiple global challenges (including the overwhelming “speed, volume, diversity, and contradiction of information and the behavior of our institutions” – e.g., “fake news”).

The book is divided into chapters on each of the six most critical issues facing us, based on “the highest-level types of decision-choices model,” i.e. economics, information, technology, energy, environment, and human consciousness.  “We believe the threats are real and the consequences may be irreversible.  Our goal is to reawaken awareness of the issues and suggest how to find solutions.”

The Analyst writes on each subject from the macro-level of trends and challenges; the Astrologer writes on historical and current planetary cycles, e.g., the U.S. Pluto return, Uranus in Taurus, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, and outer-planet ingresses into new signs (2024-26).  

 In the concluding chapter, “Practical Realities We Need to Face, Choices We Need to Make,” the authors write: “Our book is one of many voices trying to raise awareness and offer solutions for the many challenges.”  Their work is an especially clear, extremely informative, and grounded contribution to that endeavor.     

- Reviewed by Mary Plumb

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    Book Review from June/July 2018 Edition of The Mountain Astrologer

    Our Choice: Extinction or Evolution by Richard Spitzer and Linda Schurman, Soothe Script Publishing LLC, Ithaca, NY, 2017. Softcover – 130 pp. $9.95 (ISBN 9781513626277. Available from Amazon.

    The authors of this up-to-date book combine their skills of astrological forecasting and data macro-analysis.  The Astrologer, Linda Schurman, is a long-time forecaster with experience in corporations and financial service companies. (TMA readers may be familiar with her monthly newsletter posted on her website,  The Analyst, Richard Spitzer, worked for many years as an executive in global business firms, and has developed a new “predictive analytics” methodology for macroeconomic trends.”  They are each steeped in their respective fields, cognizant of, and undaunted by multiple global challenges (including the overwhelming “speed, volume, diversity, and contradiction of information and the behavior of our institutions” – e.g., “fake news”).

    The book is divided into chapters on each of the six most critical issues facing us, based on “the highest-level types of decision-choices model,” i.e. economics, information, technology, energy, environment, and human consciousness.  “We believe the threats are real and the consequences may be irreversible.  Our goal is to reawaken awareness of the issues and suggest how to find solutions.”

    The Analyst writes on each subject from the macro-level of trends and challenges; the Astrologer writes on historical and current planetary cycles, e.g., the U.S. Pluto return, Uranus in Taurus, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, and outer-planet ingresses into new signs (2024-26).  

     In the concluding chapter, “Practical Realities We Need to Face, Choices We Need to Make,” the authors write: “Our book is one of many voices trying to raise awareness and offer solutions for the many challenges.”  Their work is an especially clear, extremely informative, and grounded contribution to that endeavor.     

    - Reviewed by Mary Plumb

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